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Can i get some answers please

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hey guys thanks for reading.

i got some qeustions about my cd key.

yesterday i met a guy in wasteland that was called SomeDrumz and i teamd up with him.

i asked him why some vehicles where so ugly and blurry and he told me they where from a different expansion pack.

but his vehicles where fine becouse he had a tool called arma 2 expension lite it was 5 mb and it would download and install some components for the other expansions so i had nicer vehicles and so on.

so i was on skype with him his name is haugrud123 he sounded like a 14 year old and he is from sweden.

he send me some links and i download and installed it.

now the problem is when ever i want to play arma oa it sas bad serial given in setup.

do you guys think he stole my cd key?

and is there a way to get it back ?

if you want to help me out i would love it.

sorry for my somewhat bad english its not my first lanquage

thanks in regards Rens

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Most probably someone got your key and inserted a bad one in your registry.

Bigger problem is that there might be left something behind be it a trojan or a keylogger. Delete everything you downloaded (there is no free upgrade for DLCs, trying to pirate?) it could be still harmful and scan your pc with more than 1 antivirus.

The only thing you can do to reclaim your key is to reinstall Arma2 & Arma2OA if you have the disk or a digital version and apply the update patches.

If you have the steam version you don't need to reinstall, you just need to R-Click on game, select Properties, got to the Local Files tab and click on Verify Integrity Of Game Cache.

There is a chance that whatever stole your key changed permissions in your registry which would block the installation programs from updating your key information.

While you can retrieve your key it will most probably be used by someone which means you won't be able to play online while he is playing and it soon might get global banned.

Lesson learned, don't download or click on links from random people you meet on the internet.

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