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TPW MODS: enhanced realism and immersion for Arma 3 SP.

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You are probably using a very old version

In all latest versions LoS is enabled by default and minimum distance is again 2 by default..

In the latest (1024), LoS is disabled and minimumdist is set to 25.

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Hi guys, sorry I've been a bit slack answering questions etc.

1 - Grenade bouncing has nothing to do with my mods and has been reported in the bug tracker

2 - LOS is disabled by default because AI by default are much sharper than they used to be. The 25m minimum distance thing: It is possible for a unit to have LOS to another but still not "see" them because they are camouflaged, or it's too dark, or they are prone etc. With TPW LOS, that 25m or less is the distance that a unit can "see" another it has LOS to regardless of the other unit's camouflage/dark/stance. It's got nothing to do with magically knowing about an enemy around a corner.

3 - GiorgyGR, good points mate. However, LOS is based purely on being able to see the enemy, nothing more. A unit's vision should not be sharper just because they are in aware vs careless mode.

4 - Oldy41, there is not much I can do about slightly jarring transitions to/from ragdoll sorry.

5 - Ebarstad, I'll investigate the bleedout medkit issue you've reported, but must confess that I haven't observed it myself.

Lastly, I haven't yet had a chance to play the campaign, so i'd be interested to hear how TPW MODS affects this.

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Thanks TPW for clearing that out.

So..next question can be:Is it possible to configure LoS checks to be enabled only in "COMBAT" and "STEALTH" mode(and disabled while "SAFE","CARELESS")?

In my rich imagination this could bring the best from two worlds..

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Thanks TPW for clearing that out.

So..next question can be:Is it possible to configure LoS checks to be enabled only in "COMBAT" and "STEALTH" mode(and disabled while "SAFE","CARELESS")?

In my rich imagination this could bring the best from two worlds..

No worries, I'll have a go at implementing this

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TPW, I've been playing the campaign with ALL of TPW mods enabled, and it's great! The campaign runs very smooth, and, as far as I can tell, TPW hasn't had any effect (although, to be fair, it starts on Stratis, and I've yet to leave "the tiny island"). One thing that's sort of funny in a completely unintentional way is the fact that all the roads on Stratis are supposed to be closed, and, during the beginning of the campaign, while you're being ferried over the island in a chopper, one of the characters says as much. Just as he did, I looked down and saw a gas truck and a hatchback zooming past a roadblock. LOL. Later, while trying to avoid the enemy during a tense run through the forest, another hatchback came ripping by me down a dirt path. LOL. I suppose it could ruin the intensity of the experience for some, but I laughed out loud and thought "Hmmmm...I could commandeer this thing and be at the objective a hell of a lot quicker!" :P

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I believe that you give a man a fish you feed him for a day, you teach him to fish, and he can feed his family and others for a lifetime... in this thread tpw answered your questions about LOS almost Directly."it is disabled because recent changes to AI by BIS possibly render it obsolete"... the userconfig setting.. well its arma... do we really have to explain this one... Ill just say i set mine to 2 meters... and leave it at that....

I was aware about the possible redundant status, as I do know it was mentioned before. That's why I gave the game play example, proving that's it's obviously not entirely redundant. I simply wanted to know more.

Thanks for all answers :-), some more patient than others haha

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TPW, I've been playing the campaign with ALL of TPW mods enabled, and it's great! The campaign runs very smooth, and, as far as I can tell, TPW hasn't had any effect (although, to be fair, it starts on Stratis, and I've yet to leave "the tiny island"). One thing that's sort of funny in a completely unintentional way is the fact that all the roads on Stratis are supposed to be closed, and, during the beginning of the campaign, while you're being ferried over the island in a chopper, one of the characters says as much. Just as he did, I looked down and saw a gas truck and a hatchback zooming past a roadblock. LOL. Later, while trying to avoid the enemy during a tense run through the forest, another hatchback came ripping by me down a dirt path. LOL. I suppose it could ruin the intensity of the experience for some, but I laughed out loud and thought "Hmmmm...I could commandeer this thing and be at the objective a hell of a lot quicker!" :P

No problem here so far as well, but after playing the campaign, the showcases and a lot of scenarios I would love to see less cars in remote areas in general. While everything else blends perfectly into nearly every scenario, I find the cars very often immersion breaking. Maybe it would be possible to have seperate car spawn rates for different road segments ?


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^^ then turn off the cars !


there is a userconfig... lets break that word down... User ... Config .... User (you).... Configure (edit Settings) that allows you to decrase the max number of cars. you can also increase the radius so they spawn further away. there is also a variable that can turn off civ and car spawning during combat.

Edited by Lordprimate

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The amount of customization it's just..a miracle.

You can build ANY type environment you want and guess what?...TPW 's still adding *New features


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^^ then turn off the cars !

:D thx but cars are fine. I just think there should be less traffic on dirt paths in the middle of nowhere than on main roads or around inhabited cities and villages ( seems more realistic).

@ Lordprimate ...I am modding games myself now since over 20 years but thx for explaining the meaning of user ( me) config ( settings) ...btw none of the settings let me create different spawn rates for different regions...

I am not complaining this mod is absolutely awesome but TPW has asked for feedback and I think this is apoint that would make things even more realistic


Edited by PrivateEvans

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So, let me start this off by saying that this a really great mod. I enjoy all of the aspects with it. However, there's been one thing bugging me as of recently: I'm on dev branch, and the dogs never seem to shut up. As soon as the TPW mods load, it's just a cacophony of dog barks that goes on and on. I haven't been able to find any of said dogs, but the barking is there and it never goes away. I don't know if this is a glitch or a feature.

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.btw none of the settings let me create different spawn rates for different regions...

Without the intention to offend you (given your experience )..are you sure about the folder structure?

Userconfig will not work inside the modfolder (as provided)

The proper structure will be:

Arma 3\userconfig\TPW_MODS\TPW_MODS.hpp

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I think that's a good idea. Civilian vehicle density based on 'road type'.

Hwy vs Gravel. MSR vs ASR. There are at least 3 or 4 I believe in Altis.

...but the barking is there and it never goes away.

Like everyone just stated; there is a file you can use to adjust this Mod.

Here's my setting for dogs. Works great in standard SP & MP:

tpw_animal_noisetime = 900; // maximum time between dog/cat noises

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@PrivateEvansLike everyone just stated; there is a file you can use to adjust this Mod.

Here's my setting for dogs. Works great in standard SP & MP:

tpw_animal_noisetime = 900; // maximum time between dog/cat noises

I looked inside the userconfig and mine was set to 60. What is the time measured in? Because if 60 is "barking all the time" then it's not in seconds.

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I looked inside the userconfig and mine was set to 60. What is the time measured in? Because if 60 is "barking all the time" then it's not in seconds.

60 sec is the maximum time between barks, not the constant time between barks. The system picks a random number between 0 and 60, which means the average time between barks is actually 30 sec. You might get a few barks in a row, followed by a minute of silence. That's the nature of random numbers.

If you are constantly hearing barking, and I really mean non stop barking like you are inside a dog pound, then there is something wrong with your config. If the mod cannot read tpw_animal_noisetime (or any other config variable) it assigns 0.

Re car density vs road number/type. I have looked very carefully at this in the past I assure you. It's one of those things that's easy to talk about but a #$%^ sight harder to implement. Currently the system counts road segments around the player, and won't spawn traffic if there are less than 100 segments. It's very difficult to get some kind of smooth scaling of car numbers because you can be 1000m from a town and there be only 50 road segments, then move to the town and there be 1000 of them.

Edited by tpw

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If you are constantly hearing barking, and I really mean non stop barking like you are inside a dog pound, then there is something wrong with your config. If the mod cannot read tpw_animal_noisetime (or any other config variable) it assigns 0.

This is constant dog pound barking, and I don't believe I've altered the config in any way. I'll post what I have here when I can (tomorrow, prolly.)

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I had the exact same problem with incessant barking a while back and found it was because I had forgot to replace the userconfig file with the latest version used by the mod. That might explain it. :)

Because I haven't said so, so far, I love this mod to bits and can never play without it! :D

Really fantastic work, but I have a few suggestions which may or may not sound feasible. Firstly, how doable would it be to create a Module system to make it slightly easier for mission makers to turn certain elements of the mod off and on. I had wondered whether it might be an idea to have an optionable setting in the userconfig to have the mod disabled by default so blundering civs don't pitch up in the middle of official missions or something like that, ergo necessitating the placement of the module to have the features activate. Or something like that?

I was also wondering - I think the parked car feature is fantastic but cars parked on the main roads (i.e. the ones that look peachy/orangey in the map) take up a lot of road. Would it be possible to offset them a little further on specific road types, so instead of the normal 4m side-step the script does, maybe a few more meters just when the road is a highway, as it were, so they're parked further off the road?

As I say, these are just suggestions as I do not know how difficult they would be to implement. I do think you have worked miracles so far though :)

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I had the exact same problem with incessant barking a while back and found it was because I had forgot to replace the userconfig file with the latest version used by the mod. That might explain it. :)

I had this exact same issue. There was just a constant loud barking on repeat constantly playing in the background. After messing around I figured out that, as you had, I missed the part about copying the TPW_MODS folder from the Userconfig folder downloaded and placing it into the userconfig folder in the Arma 3 directory. This fixed my issue and I have not received any other issues. Awesome work TPW, thank you.

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No problem here so far as well, but after playing the campaign, the showcases and a lot of scenarios I would love to see less cars in remote areas in general. While everything else blends perfectly into nearly every scenario, I find the cars very often immersion breaking. Maybe it would be possible to have seperate car spawn rates for different road segments ?


It's fascinating how many people missed the gist of what you were saying and simply thought you were saying "there's too many cars!" rather than seeing it for the excellent feature request that it is. I'm glad someone else understood you, though, because now it's more or less moot for me to +1 this. ;-)

tl;dr -- Different spawn frequencies by road type? Very yes.

ts;dr -- Cars on roads. Ungh.

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It's fascinating how many people missed the gist of what you were saying and simply thought you were saying "there's too many cars!" rather than seeing it for the excellent feature request that it is. I'm glad someone else understood you, though, because now it's more or less moot for me to +1 this. ;-)

tl;dr -- Different spawn frequencies by road type? Very yes.

ts;dr -- Cars on roads. Ungh.

not misunderstanding here... some times people dont understand what has to be done, to get the effect they desire... to distinguish between road "types" you have to have a classname source... I have never seen a "classname" for a roadsegment.. As far as I know (and i dont know much) it is damn near impossible to filter something that "Has NO ClassName..." Trust me im looking at serveral different object filters from different mods, to figure out a way to detect bushes and trees... but they dont have classnames .. so right now im on a snipe hunt

my suggestion was the only option i could think of to get the desired effect, as of Now.. but you can also try your hand at modifying the code to fit your desires.... Or dig up the classnames for the road segments.... As far as i am concerned i think that, if it is possible TPW would do it.. Im still at least hoping that he will black list certain areas like "runways" or other sensetive areas where a civilian car could be extremely dangerous.. (i have almost hit at least 5 civs either taking off or landing on a runway.....)

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not misunderstanding here... some times people dont understand what has to be done, to get the effect they desire... to distinguish between road "types" you have to have a classname source... I have never seen a "classname" for a roadsegment.. As far as I know (and i dont know much) it is damn near impossible to filter something that "Has NO ClassName..." Trust me im looking at serveral different object filters from different mods, to figure out a way to detect bushes and trees... but they dont have classnames .. so right now im on a snipe hunt

my suggestion was the only option i could think of to get the desired effect, as of Now.. but you can also try your hand at modifying the code to fit your desires.... Or dig up the classnames for the road segments.... As far as i am concerned i think that, if it is possible TPW would do it.. Im still at least hoping that he will black list certain areas like "runways" or other sensetive areas where a civilian car could be extremely dangerous.. (i have almost hit at least 5 civs either taking off or landing on a runway.....)

Road segs don't have classnames, and even using surfacetype is next to useless. As I've said, the only way really is to spawn cars based on number of road segments, and that is not exactly reliable either.

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It's fascinating how many people missed the gist of what you were saying and simply thought you were saying "there's too many cars!" rather than seeing it for the excellent feature request that it is. I'm glad someone else understood you, though, because now it's more or less moot for me to +1 this. ;-)

tl;dr -- Different spawn frequencies by road type? Very yes.

ts;dr -- Cars on roads. Ungh.


just to clearify...using roadsegments was just a wild guess since I never looked that deep into Arma scripting and did not know how to explain the basic idea the easiest way.. It was not my intention to give any suggestions or provide any solutions for how to handle traffic in different areas but just to point out that it would be nice to have that feature in general.

another speculativ idea would be to have a basic car traffic ( very low) and an increased traffic around the inhabited (white) houses which would simulate more traffic in urban areas...( again this is just a thought)

cheers and thx for the great mod and your hard work

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