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General Discussion on the new tools.

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With regards to performance, is there any practical difference at

runtime between dynamically adding objects/buildings etc. to a map

as part of mission initialization, and modifying the map to have

the same objects permanently added? In other words, do the two

alternatives result in different behavior once everything is up

and running?

On a related note, is there a corresponding difference for deletion of objects; i.e., with using a map with fewer objects/buildings, compared to actively removing unwanted objects at mission startup?

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On a related note, is there a corresponding difference for deletion of objects; i.e., with using a map with fewer objects/buildings, compared to actively removing unwanted objects at mission startup?

Loading objects and then deleting them with scripts vs. not loading at all... Loadtime will be lower for the later. If it is that noticeable is another question, unless you delete huge amounts of objects.

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Loading objects and then deleting them with scripts vs. not loading at all... Loadtime will be lower for the later. If it is that noticeable is another question, unless you delete huge amounts of objects.

Ah, yes, that seems logical. Do you know how the engine treats the data after it has been loaded? If there is any difference in how it is stored in memory, simulated, etc., that has an impact on performance?

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No idea... i'm just an arma3 mod beginner as well

@Tool comissars:

O2 / Objectbuilder has 2 untranslated functions in the "tools" menu : "Normalicaze animsomething" and another one

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did something happen to Addonbuilder commandline? I can't pack anything trough it anymore! Even changing to the new Arguments it spits errors out


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I don't see the option to set a prefix in the new Addon Builder options. Was the Addon prefix taken out of the Addon Builder options? if so why was it? Just wondering.

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Pboproject is the way to go

Seriously. You guys are pro addonmakers. Stop wasting your time and use the best tool available.


it does not suit our purposes. Also moving to pboproject would mean a considerable amount of own custom tools has to be rewritten.

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did something happen to Addonbuilder commandline? I can't pack anything trough it anymore! Even changing to the new Arguments it spits errors out


my addon builder was crashing untill i changed the exe paths in the option menu, they were going to the Arma 3 folder and not the Arma 3 Tools folder looking for the executables. Check into that if you havent already, it got my builder working.

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Sw4l I wasted hours on that silly problem and now I read your post and I just have to say thank you :D

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did something happen to Addonbuilder commandline? I can't pack anything trough it anymore! Even changing to the new Arguments it spits errors out


I cannot get it to work either. If I add tailing backslashes to the source and destination folder the command stops complaining about the invalid number of arguments, but then I get this:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Tools>AddonBuilder.exe "D:\
a3\source\" "D:\a3\bin\" -PACKONLY
2014-06-05 15:54:47,019 [iNFO] - ===============================================
2014-06-05 15:54:47,027 [iNFO] - WELCOME TO ADDON BUILDER
2014-06-05 15:54:47,027 [iNFO] - ===============================================

Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path.
  at System.IO.Path.CheckInvalidPathChars(String path, Boolean checkAdditional)

  at System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(String path)
  at AddonBuilder.BuilderCommandLine.ValidateDir(String dir, String argumentNam
e, UriKind kind)
  at AddonBuilder.BuilderCommandLine.Parse(IEnumerable`1 args)
  at AddonBuilder.Startup.Main(String[] args)

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can anyone please confirm a working commandline pack? if so can you provide the params? I have not been able to commandline pack a single thing, either "prefix is null or missing" or "there must be only one source and one destination" errors.

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I can't get Addon Builder to work since todays update. It was working before. The options got reset but I set it up just like before.

The log says everything packed successfully. I choose the desktop as destination, but only the signature file appears, not the main pbo. :(

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I can't get Addon Builder to work since todays update. It was working before. The options got reset but I set it up just like before.

The log says everything packed successfully. I choose the desktop as destination, but only the signature file appears, not the main pbo. :(

Same issue ... also it still checks all folders in my P: drive

oh well , it just goes better

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GUI Version crashes for me and always forgets the paths...

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Let steam validate my Arma3Tools and it replaced two files. The issue remains though :(

Can't belive it was released in a state where it cannot be used at all.

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object builder has had more than a few crashes for me lately.. really wish theyd release a plugin for maya or 3ds max, that could replace that POS

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object builder has had more than a few crashes for me lately.. really wish theyd release a plugin for maya or 3ds max, that could replace that POS

Oh that would be amazing also 3dsmax with arma's super shader so i could make a proper rvmat directly in the max

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oh em gee, you've got to be kidding me....the pbo packs but isnt copid from the temp folder!!!

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GUI Version crashes for me and always forgets the paths...

This. Thought it was just me :mad:

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