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No Women=Disturbing

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yep. it's like saying lets leave out the guns because they can be used to grief and tk

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@Motorizer: Influx of players onto servers playing as women, not influx of brand new Arma players. I highly doubt people would rush out to buy Arma 3 just because they can now play as women. However, I don't doubt for a second that public servers would see an influx of little boys or immature young men (who have already bought the game) who would find it fun to play as scantily clad women. Guarding against that is just fine and actually helps preserve the integrity of the overall game/immersion/playing fun for those who've already coughed up the dough. Sure, people could just join private servers or leave every good public server, but why ruin game play for many because of just a few idiots.

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Well I still maintain that fear of people not playing properly is not a valid reason to exclude a feature.

I'm not convinced that the ADHD kids will spend any length of time getting one shotted by people in bushes that they can't see before they go back to COD anyway.

And I reckon if BI did the underwear model it would just be shorts and t shirts, like the men, hardly scantily clad anyway.

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Threads name reminds me of this song :)

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That the female voicework would be too much to do is not an argument: Take On Helicopters has female voice acting for players. All parts. Models? Well, only one female uniform is needed for all sides. Slightly slimmer cut (not as drastic as most Addons so far, Uniforms are baggy no matter the wearers plumbing.), maybe slightly smaller height. Use the same helmets and vests.

The endless arguments of the community have been here and will likely stay, until we hear something definitive from BI themselves.

There is a problem I see if you modify the models

If female char's are smaller and slim, you will have a harder to hit / see target (pvp situations) lowprofile.

I saw alot of simular situations in other games and think that some players will want that advantage over others.

Don't get me wrong, I do support the women in arma thing but please keep things like this in mind.

I know a girl that plays Dayz and of course she choose the woman model to play (pre release version)

Anyway I guess we wont see this anytime soon..so

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There is a problem I see if you modify the models

If female char's are smaller and slim, you will have a harder to hit / see target (pvp situations) lowprofile.

I saw alot of simular situations in other games and think that some players will want that advantage over others.

I doubt that female model will provide any significant advantage to player even if both female and male units would have equal stamina. Besides, mission makers always can make only male or female units playable so everyone will use exactly the same model.

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There is a problem I see if you modify the models

If female char's are smaller and slim, you will have a harder to hit / see target (pvp situations) lowprofile.

I saw alot of simular situations in other games and think that some players will want that advantage over others.

Don't get me wrong, I do support the women in arma thing but please keep things like this in mind.

I know a girl that plays Dayz and of course she choose the woman model to play (pre release version)

Anyway I guess we wont see this anytime soon..so

strangely no one has a problem with that in dayZ which happens to be the PvP game where death means most compared to others. you would think that what you just described would cause an outrage there. but well...it doesn't. in arma the mission maker has 100% control over wether there are females or not since there is no character customization outside the mission except for the face and gender is unit based. so the exploit you describe isn't a real issue at all.

if there is any real reason this ain't happening it sure isn't a design decision. like pretty much everything in arma these days it's 100% down to if BI can be arsed/effort to be arsed (in addition to the dayZ workload).

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well most of the time you run around without any form of real camoflage in dayz. (my own expierience anyway).

Besides i'm also not sure if it is completely random if you end up as male or female in the current releasestate (please prove me wrong..just what I noticed last time I played. FYI I don't follow dayz forums atm).

But when I think about it maybe I made to much fuz about it.

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So, full release has arrived and there are no women in the game. None. Zero. Not military or civilian. This is the future of warfare? As society progresses we have finally, through the long human history of sexism, realized that women have much to offer when it comes to defending their countries. Also, a Mediterranean island is completely devoid of women? How was anyone born and raised there, and more importantly, who stayed there if there were no women? Yet the game completely ignores this (but does give us 'African' and 'Asian' civilians, complete with stereotypical black and slanted eye character models completely unbelievable and bursting at the seams with bigotry).

The outrage over the lack of military content is understandable to me, if not fully shared. It's a game, they did what they could, and they know the community will pick up the slack in areas that are lacking. But to release a game that completely ignores the female sex (that's half the human race right there) is unacceptable and should draw as much outrage. Like it or not, women are a part of this world, and they are especially vulnerable and suffer in war just as much as any man. I doubt BIS has any females on staff not relegated to menial jobs and subject to lower pay, and the last insult was not even including them in the finished product. Just a blanket dismissal of women in the most flippant sense possible.

Check your privilege, BIS.

I one hundred percent agree with you. Not only is it super autistic and sexist, but it's also incredibly unrealistic. Not only are women major participants in warfare, but they are often the CAUSE of conflicts to begin with. How did NATO court popular opinion in advocating the bombing of Boko Haram? The supposed kidnapping of the girls. In Rwanda in the 1990's when they heard that a Tutsi man was talking with a Hutu woman what would they do? They would launch a military operation to destroy his entire village. What was one of the reasons Osama Bin Laden blew up the twin towers? Because we were killing their families and WOMEN in Lebanon. In Operation Arrowhead I really felt that, like I was destroying an integrated society and not a Royal Order of the Moose meeting when I called in airstrikes, and I would always be like "Damn, what am I doing" when I would find an "Old Takistani Woman" model beneath some rubble with the super violent gore texture applied. Aside from the civilians, what about the military? I know there's at least one German chick on Armaholic that plays this game so what about her? You force her to play as some baloney eating heterosexual white Anglo-Saxon male. In this global travesty we call the War Of Terror, women played the central role in two major events I can list off the top of my head: Jessica Lynch and her rise and fall, and Lynndie England with the Abu Ghraib scandal. So this just doesn't exist now? And to round it all out BI PROMISED that there would be women in the game and even showed screenshots and video of this. This is not a comedic post by the way in case the corporate committee at BI assume that. It's another example of your fucked up stupid development and how you focused on the DayZ standalone to make $$$$$$$$$$$$ while Arma 3 was in Early Access. The moral excuse - that women would be seen *gasp* in their UNDERWEAR - is beneath extended discourse for its absolute fucking stupidity. You can end a human being's life by shooting them point blank in the mouth with an assault rifle and that's okay and not out of the ordinary, but if a woman walks by in a bikini it's obscene and too graphic to show? I feel like I'm in the fucking Twilight Zone here.

---------- Post added at 04:35 ---------- Previous post was at 04:16 ----------

yep. it's like saying lets leave out the guns because they can be used to grief and tk

I endorse this post. It's a shame they banned him, because he's a logical, critically thinking, alive human being unlike many other posters in this topic.

Edited by rxnxr23

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Calm down SJW.

In all seriousness, it's not that we advocate the lack of females in the game, but not only do we prefer not to see them as useless animals (in the sense that you could literally do more with the animals that with the women) like in Arma 2 we're also far too excited for #BIPODS.

P.S. I would refrain from calling the devs "super autistic and sexist", it really shows more about you than it does about the people that you refer to as such.

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Why do we even care what your "character" looks like? You don't even see yourself in game, and you only hear yourself on lower difficulties when you're playing with AI. I think you're all blowing it out of proportion. This game is about functionality, not looking pretty; that's just an added bonus. The complexion/ethnicity/sex of my character, the logos and branding of specific weapons, proper naming of everything (like in Arma 2), none of it matters to the core game. It's nice to have, it makes the game look more alive and relatable, but none of it has any effect whatsoever on gameplay.

Would it be nice to see women in the game? Yeah, it would. I would like to see more diversity amongst my teammates. Does it break the game or make BI a bad company because there aren't? No. Would I rather see some new bolt-action rifles, an integrated SADL system, or some new vehicles? Yes, I would. Because those features impact the primary experience you take away from the game. It's not something that you just glance at (like trademarked weapons, different physical characteristics of players, etc) and say "hmm, it's nice they added that to the game." It's something that can vastly change tactics/strategies, combat, teamwork, etc. and those are the important aspects of the game.

If there was some super in-depth character creation thing like in Grand Theft Auto where you can customize all your physical attributes and face, and then they left off women, yeah that would be messed up. But it's just a handful of faces that are just unique enough to portray Mediterranean, European, and Middle Eastern sides and nothing more. It's obviously not the focus of BI to fairly represent all races and sexes, and honestly it shouldn't be. In fact, if it weren't for the ability to change the voices, all the soldiers on each side would seem the same to me since it's pretty hard to VID somebody whose face is buried under an ECH and thick combat goggles.

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