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arma 3's ik system

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so it seems arma 3 is still using the system developed 10 years ago. is this going to change anytime soon? i mean when you step on the stairs, all that happens is one leg grows longer while the other leg grows shorter. the knee doesn't bend.

those who have played red orchesra 2 or rising storm will know what i'm talking about. it's most apparent when you are standing on a hill or any type of incline. depending on the grade, you may even see the knee bend 90 degrees. that's proper ik.

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I'm just guessing here but I think this is related to 1st person = 3rd person views and how animations work in this game where (I hope this make sense) "you are attached to your body".

But yeah, on inclinations weird things happen and RO2 nailed it.

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i remember BI said they implemented some sort of IK in A3 (arma2 has no inverse kinematic). where and how one such as myself could take advantage of it (say reload mags, etc etc) is something i wasn't able to figure out. Neither got a reply about it when i have asked..

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