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Laser Designator System script for A143 Buzzard (CAS)

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Self laser designate without need for JTAC, not tested in MP

Creates a laser target in 3 different ways, selected with scroll menu:

-on the vehicle you have target locked, deletes laser target when vehicle is heavily damaged.

-map click coordinates

-HUD cursor position

Works only if you get a solid laser lock (diamond over square on HUD).

How to use:

Creat a new folder in your mission folder called designation

Place this line in A143 Buzzard (CAS) init:

xhandle = this execVM "designation\laserSetup.sqf";

Add these 4 sqf files to the designation folder:


Known issues:
Laser target may spawn behind a structure meaning you cant lock laser target with R, try from another direction.
Cursor Target doesn't work in 3rd person.
Accidentally dropping more than 1 bomb may cause laserCursor scripts to fail.

Aircraft init:
xhandle = this execVM "designation\laserSetup.sqf";

varone = false;

_this addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Designate Target</t>", "designation\laserTarget.sqf", "", 6, false, true,"","_this == driver _target"];
_this addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Designate Map click</t>", "designation\laserMap.sqf", "", 6, false, true,"","_this == driver _target"];
_this addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Designate Cursor</t>", "designation\laserCursor.sqf", "", 6, false, true,"","_this == driver _target"];

DS_bombtrak = {
_plane = _this select 0;
 _weap = _this select 1;

if (_weap != "GBU12BombLauncher") exitWith {};

   _bomb = _this select 2;
     _target = cursorTarget; 
if (isNull _target) exitWith {};

 waitUntil {!(alive _bomb)};
   deleteVehicle _target;

_plane vehicleChat "Splash - Laser off";

_EHfiredIdx = _this addEventHandler ["fired", {_xhandle = [_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 6] spawn DS_bombtrak;}];

//extra mags for testing - comment out if not required
{_this addMagazine "2Rnd_GBU12_LGB_MI10"} forEach [1,2,3,4,5,6];
{_this addMagazine "120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"} forEach [1,2,3,4];



Select the 20mm Cannon then press "R" to lock a target (default target lock for vehicles)
Select "Designate target" from the scroll menu
GBU12 is automatically selected, a red square is placed over target
Make sure distance aircraft to target is +1000m, altitude +750m, speed +350
Place target inside white circle on HUD
Press "R" to select laser target
Wait until you get solid white, stable diamond, it will disappear if flight profile is incorrect
Release bomb

(most of that is a new BIS system for laser designation - requires flying skill now :-)

_plane = _this select 0;
 _caller = _this select 1;
   _id = _this select 2;
     _target = cursorTarget;

if (isNull _target) exitWith {_plane vehicleChat "Laser System - No Target Locked"};

_name = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _target >> "displayName");

   _lasew = "LaserTargetW" createVehicle [getposATL _target select 0,getposATL _target select 1,0];
     _lasew attachto[_target,[0,0,1]];

_plane selectWeapon "GBU12BombLauncher";
 _caller commandTarget _lasew;

_text = actionKeysImages "VehLockTargets";
 _plane vehicleChat format["GBU12 selected, laser lock on %1....Press %2 activate seeker head", _name, _text];

if (true) exitWith {};



Select "Designate Map" from the scroll menu
Click on map to select target - can be terrain or building
GBU12 is automatically selected, a red square is placed over target
Make sure distance aircraft to target is +1000m, altitude +750m, speed +350
Place target inside white circle on HUD
Press "R" to select laser target
Wait until you get solid white, stable diamond, it will disappear if flight profile is incorrect
Release bomb

(most of that is a new BIS system for laser designation - requires flying skill now :-)

_plane = _this select 0;
 _caller = _this select 1;
   _id = _this select 2;

openMap true;
 sleep 1;

hint "Click on map to select target position.";
 onMapSingleClick "DS_rooffind = 'Land_Can_Rusty_F' createVehicle [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 40]; openMap false; onMapSingleClick ''; true;";
     hint "";

DS_rooffind setVelocity [0,0,-20];
 sleep 1;

if (isNull DS_rooffind) exitWith {_plane vehicleChat "Laser System - No Target Locked"};

 _lasew = "LaserTargetW" createVehicle (getPosATL DS_rooffind);
   _lasew attachTo [DS_rooffind,[0,0,10]];

_text = actionKeysImages "VehLockTargets";
 _plane vehicleChat format["GBU12 selected, laser lock....Press %1 activate seeker head", _text];

_plane selectWeapon "GBU12BombLauncher";
 _caller commandTarget _lasew;

if (true) exitWith {};



Select "Designate Cursor" from the scroll menu
Press L when cursor over desired target
GBU12 is automatically selected, a red square is placed over target
Make sure distance aircraft to target is +1000m, altitude +750m, speed +350
Place target inside white circle on HUD
Press "R" to select laser target
Wait until you get solid white, stable diamond, it will disappear if flight profile is incorrect
Release bomb

(most of that is a new BIS system for laser designation - requires flying skill now :-)

_plane = _this select 0;
 _caller = _this select 1;
   _id = _this select 2;

hint "Press L to lase cursor position.";

KeyDown = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "varone = true;"];
 waitUntil {varone};
   (finddisplay 46) displayremoveeventhandler ["KeyDown",KeyDown];

hint "";

DS_rooftool = 'Land_Can_Rusty_F' createVehicle (screenToWorld [0.5,0.5]);
 DS_rooftool setVelocity [0,0,-10];

sleep 1;

 _lasew = "LaserTargetW" createVehicle (getPosATL DS_rooftool);
   _lasew attachTo [DS_rooftool,[0,0,6]];

_text = actionKeysImages "VehLockTargets";
 _plane vehicleChat format["GBU12 selected, laser locked....Press %1 activate seeker head", _text];

_plane selectWeapon "GBU12BombLauncher";
 _caller commandTarget _lasew;

varone = false;

if (true) exitWith {};

Known issues:

Laser target may spawn behind a structure meaning you cant lock laser target with R due to no LOS, try from another direction.

Target object that 'detects' building roof seems to fall through soft hangers, can't get target lock as no LOS - when using map click target edges of hanger.

Cursor Target doesn't work in 3rd person.

Accidentally dropping more than 1 bomb may cause scripts to fail.

Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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Wow, Fantastic! Thank you so much for this! The new system BIS put in place is a tad silly, 750m , 350 speed, i mean in MP with mass clients, 750m up? Ugh, good luck rendering those tanks!

Just tried this in SP and wow, now I can enjoy bombing greatly again! So lovely!


EDIT: When BIS releases more planes, Hope you keep this up-to-date!

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Awesome news!

So, I got to thinking this morning with a fresh cup of coffee, the UAV CAS with the GBUs. I looked at the script, then tried in-game. But ran into the issue the CAS UAV has no gun of course, just bombs. Therefore you cannot bring up the target menu or lock a target. So no target menu, and therefore no worky :( Anyway / anything you can think of, to get it to work with the CAS Greyhawk? That would sure make that thing more useful :)


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@KilrBe3 not designed for UAV's - for aircraft only - but will see if it's possibly next weekend.


Now creates a laser target in 3 different ways, select with scroll menu:

-on the vehicle you have target locked, deletes laser target when vehicle is heavily damaged.

-map click coordinates

-HUD cursor position

Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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Well the UAV already has a laser designator that you can use realistically, no need for workaround scripts :)

Is there maybe a way to make the laser target spawn on top of the building rather than behind it when you map-click a building?

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Is there maybe a way to make the laser target spawn on top of the building rather than behind it when you map-click a building?

I'm using the 'falling tin can method' to find the roof so it works 95% of the time, certain buidlings have problems - would be better to use bounding box maybe but never used it before, will keep looking at it. It's quick and dirty for now - will be refined when I have more time.

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Set this up today in an ALIVE mission I'm running. Works well enough, better than the BI vanilla stuff. Question though. I've got two buzzards sitting on the deck with this script, they both work fine with the script. Their respawns however do not.

Anyone know how to get it to work with the respawned aircraft?

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If you are using the respawn module there is a box there for running code on the respawned object?

expression: xhandle = (_this select 0) execVM "designation\laserSetup.sqf";

untested but should work with the [newVehicle,oldVehicle] params that are passed?

(todo - must update the script over Xmas)

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Tested this and I must say this isn't a bad script. It does work on MP, at least for me it did anyway with no issues. Only issue was that the red box doesn't disappear afer a successful strike. Other than again, nice work.

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Is there a fix for the laser target not getting deleted?



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Don't think he's been around for a while. So I wouldn't expect one krem.

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Cheers MB. Script seems to work pretty well, with a little tweaking.

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Hey I'm currently working on a targeting pod for aircrafts and i would like to add this script but with a couple of tweaks. I would like to ask permission to modify some parameters so I can create IR targets instead of laser targets (for mavericks and whatnot), I've sent a PM to the author but no response.

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