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Will we see full directinput functionality?

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Okay, I've got a lot of controllers. ...A lot. :)

The current controller support is not fully implemented, and it appears to be a placeholder imported from carrier command; because there are controls for "walrus", "carrier" and "manta". This will probably be going away before release.

Assuming the above is true, I have a couple of questions.

1) Will the game natively support any DirectInput device, or only the xbox controller support?

2) Will the game support multiple DirectInput devices?

3) Will the actions be expanded? Will we see the commands expanded so you can directly assign actions to buttons? (Example: Activate EAS = Jostick 1 Button 11, Next Task = Joystick 3 Button 4)

Right now, you can press a unique key to activate cameras 1-6. Id like to see the following commands added:

Cycle Cameras

Cycle Active Sensors/Devices

Next Task

Prev Task

Filter Nav Points ON/OFF

ON/OFF High Intensity Light #1 (2,3 etc ...just like the cameras are now)

Cycle Tabs in the status window

Active Camera Zoom In

Active Camera Zoom Out

...You get the picture. Take each unique action in the game that is now handled by clicking with the mouse, and assign it a command that can be bound to a button -or as many as possible. Of course if you don't want to use this, you could simply control the game in the UI like you do now.

All of the BI games that I own have really awesome controller customization. I'd love to see that tradition continue in TKOM. I know Xinput is a lot easier to implement than full blown DirectInput, and it helps small Steam developers and other small dev teams to get controlller functionality in their games. Still, it has the disadvantage of reducing one of the strong points in PC gaming over consoles: depth of customization.

-Great Job on this game so far! I know a lot of non gamers/ non Arma players that would love this game. I'll try to spread the word around.

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