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Magazines should be a proxy

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Hello everyone,

As you know the current magazine of each weapon is a part of the model which cant be changed if you load bigger magazine into weapon - the magazine model doesnt change , this is since OFP

and in arma 3 it could be fixed with new proxy system which attachments are using - just needs a special magazine proxy

This feature is needed because why i had to create new p3D of the same weapon because i want to use other magazine type? that's just silly - why not to expand the new proxy system like DayZ SA did /we dont need that complex tho but it would be better for variants/

like one of the devs said this is not hard to do

so please vote this > http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=9611


Edited by RobertHammer

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indeed this is one of the first things i would have liked to see implemented when proxies started being used for attachments...upvoted

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I agree with this, I'm so annoyed that whenever I put a 30 round 6.5 magazine into an MX-SW it still looks like a 100 round magazine, also considering that it's currently impossible to use 100 round 6.5 magazines in any other MX type weapon.

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Not anymore, since a weapon supports hiddenselections.

all we need now is just an ability to adjust weapon's selections on the fly (same manner as vehicle objects).

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Not anymore, since a weapon supports hiddenselections.

all we need now is just an ability to adjust weapon's selections on the fly (same manner as vehicle objects).

Magazine proxies are the way to go. Using hidden selection for magazines is a terrible idea if that's what you are suggesting.

Edit: but of course, it would be nice to have for other things.

Edited by mrflay

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Great idea but I think its too late for it to be changed.

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If BIS added this we'd all sing its praises for about five minutes before complaining about hands clipping through magazines on the BIS weapons when reloading non-standard sized/shaped mags. :D

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If BIS added this we'd all sing its praises for about five minutes before complaining about hands clipping through magazines on the BIS weapons when reloading non-standard sized/shaped mags. :D

Still acceptable but anyway 98% of the magazines are the same shape - so there should not be any big problems with clipping

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If BIS added this we'd all sing its praises for about five minutes before complaining about hands clipping through magazines on the BIS weapons when reloading non-standard sized/shaped mags. :D

needs config parameter like this:

handAnims[]={{"OFP2_ManSkeleton", "\mag select 0.rtm"},{"OFP2_ManSkeleton", "\mag select 1.rtm"},{"OFP2_ManSkeleton", "\mag select 2.rtm"},};
Still acceptable but anyway 98% of the magazines are the same shape - so there should not be any big problems with clipping


STANAG 30 rnds and Beta-C need different handAnim.

STANAG 30 rnds and Ammo Box (for Minimi and M249) also need different handAnim.

The different in weapon size also need different handAnim (G36C w/ Beta-C vs. G36 w/ Beta-C).

The weapon attachment also need different handAnim (M16A2 w/ M203 w/ 30Rnd vs. M16A2 w/ M203 w/ Beta-C).

Edited by Zatan13th

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needs config parameter like this:


STANAG 30 rnds and Beta-C need different handAnim.

STANAG 30 rnds and Ammo Box (for Minimi and M249) also need different handAnim.

The different in weapon size also need different handAnim (G36C w/ Beta-C vs. G36 w/ Beta-C).

The weapon attachment also need different handAnim (M16A2 w/ M203 w/ 30Rnd vs. M16A2 w/ M203 w/ Beta-C).

It would be nice if this is possible i doubt it - also remember in arma 2 there was a MG36 with C-mag noone ever said that was clipping while reloading :rolleyes:

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needs config parameter like this:

Perhaps (ignoring that the reload animations don't use handanim, they use reloadaction e.g: reloadAction = "GestureReloadKhaybar";;)), but you'd also have to do all the back-end programming to connect each one of those animations with the particular cfgmagazines classes that was being loaded. And they'd have to be flagged with a particular anim set in a way that didn't introduce any hard limitations on what magazines can be loaded into which weapons (i.e keep it so mag classes don't have to be weapon-specific), or any limitations on how to introduce new magazine types to a weapon class (if people want to add custom magazine models to existing weapons).

Working out how to do that in a fairly accessible way (in terms of writing the config to do it afterwards) is probably non-trivial.

It would be nice if this is possible i doubt it - also remember in arma 2 there was a MG36 with C-mag noone ever said that was clipping while reloading :rolleyes:

Yes, but proper reload animations weren't a feature of Arma 2 - we just had one generic reload animation. We put up with it because there was no indication that BIS were interested in making proper reload animations at all.

However, BIS has taken the time and effort in Arma 3 to make reload anims with a reasonable fidelity to the weapon that is being handled, and we have all seen and appreciated that change (the number of posts you've made about the changes to the F2000's reload anim in the dev branch thread would indicate it's somewhat important to you ;)). It appears to be a feature that they've taken some pride in this time around.

The insinuation when a feature has certain limitations is always that BIS "haven't worked hard enough" to make it look right, in spite of them having to make a tough design decision over whether it was worth adding that feature or not, given the limitations of adding it in against the current reload system and work necessary to produce reload anims for every magazine type, for every weapon (incorporating the different magazine well locations and different load/reload actions) in order to implement to feature to near faultless standard. There are certain features that BIS has to look at and think "If we can't do it properly (on time and on budget), we shouldn't be doing it at all".

I'm sure they would see it as counter-productive to introduce visual bugs to that system given that they've worked hard on getting it right for the weapon layouts we do have. The fact that BIS have shown a willingness to get it right for one magazine (per weapon) would inevitably lead to a demand to get it right for all magazines on every weapon - reading the forums for the past few months have made that abundantly clear to me, and BIS are obviously aware of that too, given Jay's comments on "simulation fever".

Don't get me wrong; I'd be able to put up with less than perfect magazine handling in the animations and think it'd be good to have them as proxies (the "magic wave" reload anims in previous Arma games didn't really bother me much either). However, I'd get pissed right off with people on these forums if BIS made the good gesture to add that feature, only to be met with a bunch of reasonably ungrateful, but ultimately true posts about how it makes the reload anims look shit.

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the reload anims should be divided into 3 stats:

-pre-reload (bolt pull / open tray-cover)

-reloading (changing mag)

-post-reload (bolt release / pull / slap)

reloadActionBegin = "GestureReloadMP5Start";

reloadAction = "GestureReloadMP5Middle";

reloadActionLast = "GestureReloadMP5End";


reloadActionBegin = "";

reloadAction = "GestureReloadM16Start";

reloadActionLast = "GestureReloadM16End";

then we can combine them together for making a new reload anim.

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They done the attachment system. Great! A flawed one, as it was clear even before the Alpha (when we learn that GL wasn't a attachment) and when the Alpha started the system proved to be subpar; config wise you can't just create attachments and throw them in-game.

Then reload animations, which are good but not good enough. No tactical reload, poor anims for GL and ATs. No change on the move, which really shows off on one of the "main features" of the new A3: Firing Drills.

The shortcomings were pretty clear for the community since the start, BI really thought they would get away with that?

My hope is that they merge things with DayZ.

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Im not even caring too much about anims,, just being able to put different mag models on the same weapons would be fantastic. As is already done with scopes and silencers.

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Im not even caring too much about anims,, just being able to put different mag models on the same weapons would be fantastic. As is already done with scopes and silencers.

exactly - i will be happy if i will be able to change those magazine types

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