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Player Leader direct command and control over AI pilot

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I'd like to be able to have greater command and control over the AI pilot of the helo that I am a passenger of. As a member of my team, I can tell him to enter the helo. I can tell him to move to a point on the map. He'll then fly there and hover till doomsday, but I no way to tell him to land once we get there, take off again, or orbit while waiting to dust-off. This greatly limits mission planning flexibility. If I am conducting follow-on missions in disparate locations, having the direct control of a helo in direct support is a must. CSAR, for instance. It is common for the supporting helos to insert a team and then remain on station to provide fire support and cover for the ground element until they can be extracted.

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in MP Missions (not done by yourself) you don't need it, cause other players would kill you for letting your AI fly...

in sp missions you could do it yourself by script (and it's not that difficult ~1h introduction into scripting - see tutorials and atleast 10 seconds of creating a script or a trigger to make it work)

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Or simply use the support modules maybe, if it's not important the pilot is in your squad and your requirements are transport and optional air support, it works perfect with virtual or synced units.

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