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addAction string formatting

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I am trying to create an addAction which displays a variable in the action menu. For instance I want the action to say "Move to [VARIABLE]" where [VARIABLE] is the name of a variable. How do I format my addaction display string to display the variable name after the "Move to" part?

So for example: _this addAction ["Move to [VARIABLE]", "move.sqf"] //this is obviously not correct syntax but just wanted to know what the correct syntax is.

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errrrrrrrr........................ prehaps try this:

_this addaction format [["Move to %1","move.sqf"],_urvarhere];

I haven't tested this. Probably doesn't work, but maybe it does...

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Probably doesn't work, but maybe it does...

You right, it won’t work, correct variant is:

_this addAction [format ["Move to %1",_var],"move.sqf"]

In this case your variable must be probably string.

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Thanks guys. I added some funky colors and other conditions but in the end it came out like this:

_jipPole addAction [("<t color=""#FFFF33"">" + ("Move to " + _marker1 + " - NATO base") + "</t>"), "move_to_basel.sqf", [], 1, false, false]

and yes _marker1 must be a string.

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Keep in mind this won't update as you change the value of _var. You'd need to remove and readd the the action.

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That's true. I have it inside a while loop that updates every 60 seconds and does what you said.

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Instead of doing it every 60 seconds, you could do it every time you change the variable value (either call a function from all scripts that actually changes the variable value, or have another script run in the background and check when the variable is changed).

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That is a good iead. At the moment the variable is only used in the one script and it doesn't seem to have massive overheads by updating it every 60 seconds. But I'll keep that in mind if I expand the concept of the script.

To check variable value would I just use: if (_marker1 != _marker1 ) then {//magic} and just check that every 60 seconds?

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I would probably do

waitUntil {_marker1 != _marker1};

since I believe an if statement can't go inside a loop. Also my method is probably more efficient.

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Well the whole point of checking the variable value was to be able to update the action as soon as it changed (so that it is always up to date). Of course, for best efficiency you would update the action in the same script that changes the variable, preferably by calling a pre-defined function that does it.

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Forgot about waitUntil. That one will work perfectly.

No longer related to what the original script is doing just a general question - if I wanted the variable to change every time a player entered the server the best would still be waitUntil is that right?

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If you want to change it based on player count, use playersNumber. I'd personaly rather avoid using onPlayerConnected because it's hard to use properly in large missions that have multiple aspects that depend on player count, so I just use playersNumber every time I need to do something based on player count.

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