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U.C.S.V. Cargo & Support Drone

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Just a quick note:

I finally have time to work on it again, so updates coming in the next few days. :)

Things planned so far: See ToDo.

Hooking ability will be removed to align the addon with common and established hooking scripts available.

Flight model will be changed to helicopter to make it more controllable and reliable.

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This is amazing, thanks a lot! I'm especially excited about the changed flight model, because unfortunately Arma 3's VTOL is still fucked up.

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Everyone waiting for an update: Good news, coming week I'm going to release it.

Yet, I have only some minor things to do.

Changes that have been made so far:

- removed scripts entirely to ensure overall compatibility and streamline it with BIS models

- changed handling model to helicopter (much more responsive, but still behaves not like it should), though better handling

- reworked textures

- rewritten configuration

- adjusted size to actually fit proportions (now is about 2.9m in height, overall shrinked)

- added wreck model

- added clanlogo section

- added Flare Launcher (60 capacity)

- added pip functionality

- added a lot more details

- optimized LODs, can be run in A2 and OFP

The project source will be released few months later, including 3d raw files, source textures and so on. this way, more people might learn doing addons like this one. :)

Seeya in a few days!

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We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and

explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Without your script version of your drone it seems its not working anymore. I tried BTC Logistik, Lifter and igiLoad. No one is compatible with your drone. Lifter would be the best but we need to speak with the dev. with BTC Logistik you can transport REALLY small things like little ammoboxes, bigger ones will case in explosion and will not seen in Air. Your drone seems to be the best way for a immersion-break-free mission layout but it need to work. Maybe you can speak with the maker of Lifter?

The drone looks really good and the range seems plausible. Good work so far! Your the man =3

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Great job on this! :)

Hope you can get some help with adding a lift function built into it since this would be very cool to use as transport. Good luck!

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Great job on this! :)

Hope you can get some help with adding a lift function built into it since this would be very cool to use as transport. Good luck!

Thank you!

I've just created a thread to get some help getting the scripted version to run. Let's hope that I can fix the issues so it can be released with hooking ability in near future. :)


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New video added & Beta testers wanted. Please check first post.

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Wow looks great. The starting landing transition looks alot better i think. I do not know anything how the flight moddle is managed but the dron looks strangly maneuverable just by flapping its outer wings (see U-turn above habor at the end). Also it seems that there is no change of flightmodel with changed load. This looks strange when having a boat with maby 4-7 tons and the drone makes a manouver and tilting the boat up to 90 degress around the lateral axis and up to 60 degrees the other axis in air without loosing control. It seems as if the attached objects dont have a mass at all. Still this is just a minor problem. The usability is importants and this seems to work very well!

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Wow looks great. The starting landing transition looks alot better i think. I do not know anything how the flight moddle is managed but the dron looks strangly maneuverable just by flapping its outer wings (see U-turn above habor at the end). Also it seems that there is no change of flightmodel with changed load. This looks strange when having a boat with maby 4-7 tons and the drone makes a manouver and tilting the boat up to 90 degress around the lateral axis and up to 60 degrees the other axis in air without loosing control. It seems as if the attached objects dont have a mass at all. Still this is just a minor problem. The usability is importants and this seems to work very well!

Thanks for your feedback again. :)

The flight model and additional capabilities are mainly tied with the engine. However, one could actually modify every single aspect of movement and so on, but this would have a huge impact on performance and probably raise a lot of other problems. So I decided to stick to the features provided by the engine and modified only what is intended to be modified. This results in a not so great handling for this special type of aircraft. Now it behaves like mix between a helicopter and a plane. Personally I believe, that is just a matter of taste. ;)

I will make addtional adjustments though, trying to make everyone happy with the UCSV.

Secondly though, mass is actually changing the handling a LOT! Maybe not in a way it would behave in reality but it has a massive impact over the maneuverability. (The boat was a bad example as the drone wouldn't be able to pick up such big objects - WiP). Right now, partial BIS models have quite weird mass attributes and even the calculations seem to be not that optimal (reducing mass reduces maneuverability and this kind of stuff...)

Eventually, I will add some additional calculations to affect axial movements and lift forces.

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We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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This looks awesome. I remember trying it way back when it was a bit more difficult to fly. I can fly it fine now.

I have read all of the post but still have not been able to hook anything. Maybe one of my other mods are blocking it or something. I will keep testing.

I have been able to hover close to the ground next to the quad, beside the quad, over the quad....I do not get the "Hook" command in my drop down.

Will this be able to transport a UGV Stomper that is not empty (when i figure out how to hook something)?

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This looks awesome. I remember trying it way back when it was a bit more difficult to fly. I can fly it fine now.

I have read all of the post but still have not been able to hook anything. Maybe one of my other mods are blocking it or something. I will keep testing.

I have been able to hover close to the ground next to the quad, beside the quad, over the quad....I do not get the "Hook" command in my drop down.

Will this be able to transport a UGV Stomper that is not empty (when i figure out how to hook something)?

You have to enable Lifting first. To figure out how to, please refer to the included manual. :)

It is able to lift anything valid, even if it has a crew inside. (Depends on feedback, if this option stays in)

To lift something, you have to be close (2m on X/Y axis relative to your target, max. 5.5m in height) and not faster than about 3.5km/h. But these values are not final, they depend on the feedback I receive and may be altered with the next update or become freely configurable.

Glad to hear that flying this thing is easier now. :)

edit: Going to update the first post to make configuration more clear. :)

Edited by mp5gosu

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Secondly though, mass is actually changing the handling a LOT! Maybe not in a way it would behave in reality but it has a massive impact over the maneuverability. (The boat was a bad example as the drone wouldn't be able to pick up such big objects - WiP). Right now, partial BIS models have quite weird mass attributes and even the calculations seem to be not that optimal (reducing mass reduces maneuverability and this kind of stuff...)

Eventually, I will add some additional calculations to affect axial movements and lift forces.

Ah interesting. The flightmodel should also take the center of mass into account you probably already do that? I think there was some new commant to do calculate that (get-center-of-mass) (at the end ..getCenterOfMass/getMass).

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Yes, center of mass is already calculated. It is simply the center of both objects divided by 2. I experimented with different formulas but I guess, rotary wings have a very strong center, as the results were not satisfying. The challenge then was to create a universal solution. Simple and works, but may be hardly noticeable. :)

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1. C & P from PDF for init commands do not work, not very comfortable.

2. The Lifting ability should be active from beginning. In times of Zeus Preset Maps it's annoying to change init.sqf and if I start my arma with a new Mod it should work even for not mission maker or scripter. Please keep it simple and stupid.

3. Fly model still too sensitiv. It feels like an superlight darter instead of an big transport drone.

4. Gunner camera seat work's not properly? Instead of camera dome I'm sitting in cockpit again? Did I overlook something?

I'm happy to see you're improving. Your drone looks awesome!

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1. C & P from PDF for init commands do not work, not very comfortable.

2. The Lifting ability should be active from beginning. In times of Zeus Preset Maps it's annoying to change init.sqf and if I start my arma with a new Mod it should work even for not mission maker or scripter. Please keep it simple and stupid.

3. Fly model still too sensitiv. It feels like an superlight darter instead of an big transport drone.

4. Gunner camera seat work's not properly? Instead of camera dome I'm sitting in cockpit again? Did I overlook something?

I'm happy to see you're improving. Your drone looks awesome!


thanks for the feedback.

1.) What do you mean by "C & P from PDF doesn't work"? The cargo parachute? That one has a minimum height to deploy. Hope, I'm getting you right. Would be nice, if you could be more specific. :)

2.) This is a point on my To-do list. The problem currently is simply the init order. To make the user configuration available, parameters must be set somewhere. Unfortunately, the init.sqf is the most common solution. Anyways, I already started investigating this issue and I'm sure, I can provide a module with the next update.

3.) The flight model is still being developed, I want to collect enough feedback to derivate an average, optimal solution to satisfy most players. Right now, the handling is a reflection of my personal experience with remote-controlled transversal rotor based models. (They behave quite similar to the UCSV - tricky and hard to handle at low speeds :) )

4.) Actually, there's no camera seat. The gunner PiP-Camera is designed for more lifting accuracy, exclusively for the pilot. I know that in the UAV Terminal the Gunnerseat switch is available (which indeed puts you in the pilot slot). This is a wanted side effect of having no actual second seat. The reason for this is simply the limitation of abilities. After all it is a cargo drone and not designed for reconnaissance ot other tasks. :)

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