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Too many destroyed cars in Altis

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Only on foot. Vehicles still hit them, AFAIR

Just tested, and indeed vehicles still hit the wrecks that aren't there... Wonder why that is? Good point Varanon btw. Tried it with a Hunter.

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Why are you in a vehicle in an infantry game? ;)

And what kind of game has different physics for men vs vehicles? Wtf BIS??

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Why are you in a vehicle in an infantry game? ;)

That doesn't matter, it's a combined arms experience, so it doesn't matter.

Edit: Geez, what a sentence, it doesn't matter, so it doesn't matter... but I guess you know what I mean... or not.. anyway, the important part is below (booming =3 voice)

And what kind of game has different physics for men vs vehicles? Wtf BIS??

Well, vehicles us PhysX. If ragdolls use PhysX too, then someone could try shooting some guy standing in a hidden car wreck.. that way, you can most likely see whether PhysX still interacts with the hidden wrecks...

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No need for an addon. I already posted the simple code to remove wrecks from the map. Just put down a game logic fill in the code and your city is clean.

Sorry to revive a dead thread, but does anyone have the code that kylana is referring to? His post history doesn't go back far enough to find it...

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Sorry to revive a dead thread, but does anyone have the code that kylana is referring to? His post history doesn't go back far enough to find it...


It's in this thread...

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That's incorrect. You can move through where they were no problem.

{_x hideObject true} forEach (nearestObjects [this, ["Wreck_Base_F"], 200]);

Found it. Unfortunately though, this doesn't seem to work for me. I'm trying to put it in the military base parking lot on Altis, but it doesn't remove the wrecks. Even if I change it to an empty array (nearestObjects [this, [], 200]), it removes everything (including buildings) EXCEPT the wrecks. Any other suggestions?

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Found it. Unfortunately though, this doesn't seem to work for me. I'm trying to put it in the military base parking lot on Altis, but it doesn't remove the wrecks. Even if I change it to an empty array (nearestObjects [this, [], 200]), it removes everything (including buildings) EXCEPT the wrecks. Any other suggestions?

Not possible anymore probably due to performance reasons: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?166345-Last-update-disabled-hideObject-function-for-Wreck_Base_F-why!

(Replying to an old thread since I was looking around for the same answer)

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for a sandbox game - yes true ! its kill many options for mission makers the destroys cars and houses better in a modul ;) that gives mission makers more freedom outside the game story and the driver ai has problems with the car wrecks on the streets. an other little trouble solved.

Edited by JgBtl292

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They didn't bother to reduce the "walk 20m spot a snake" syndrome so I doubt they'll lower the number of wrecks.Snakes&Wrecks,could be a band name.

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A clean version of Altis would be cool.

No destroyed cars, no military bases and no destroyed buildings.

And on top of that houses, the airport, shops etc are all filled up and looking like someone lives or work there would be nice.

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