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Magazine Counter

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private ["_magazineSnapshot","_magazineOutput"];

_magazineSnapshot = magazines player;
_magazineOutput = [];

_magazine = _x;
diag_log format ["Selecting %1",_magazine];
_magazineName = getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magazine >> "displayName");
_magazineCount = {_x == _magazine} count _magazineSnapshot;
_magazineOutput = _magazineOutput + [[_magazineName,_magazineCount]];
for "_i" from 0 to _magazineCount do {_magazineSnapshot = _magazineSnapshot - [_magazine]};
diag_log format ["Snapshot changed to: %1",_magazineSnapshot];
} forEach _magazineSnapshot;

hint format ["%1",_magazineOutput];
diag_log format ["%1",_magazineOutput];

Hey all,

I'm having trouble with the above bit of code not updating the variable _magazineSnapshot correctly as elements are removed; the forEach isn't being affected by the change. Is this a problem with scope or simply down to my usage of forEach?


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Yup looks like forEach creates its own copy of the array.

Use this instead:


_magazinesDone = [];
_magazine = _x;
if(!(_magazine in _magazinesDone)) then { 
	_magazinesDone set[ count _magazinesDone, _magazine];


} forEach _magazineSnapshot;

Edited by aeroson

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