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Best way of placing fences red hammer way?

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This might be old but I just thought of it and I have never seen anyone posted about it before.

You know that mission in Red Hammer where you are supposed to build a defence in the town and prepare for the incoming enemy tanks?

It said something like this in the .sqs-file:

There has to be a better way to do this

Well, yes there is and here it is:

_cam="Camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

_cam camsettarget Player

_cam camsetrelpos [0,3,0]

_cam camcommit 0

@camcommitted _cam

Wire="Wire" camcreate [getpos _cam select 0,getpos _cam select 1,0.7] setdir getdir Player

camdestroy _cam


Even if this is old I think some people didnt know...

I tried placing fences with the action menue like half a year ago or longer and I couldnt think of any easy way to make the fences always 3 meters infront of you and not just 3 meters to the north or something. The only thing I could come up with was the BIS way and it seemed like it would take a while to do that and I didnt wanna take theire script.

I just made my first camera script like a mounth ago and now when I felt like placing fences with the action menu again I thought that there had to be some way of using the camsetrelpos. So I tried with camsetrelpos on the fence and it didnt work of course. Then I thought that the camsetrelpos is most likely to only work on cameras but maybe I could place an object and use getpos on the camera and it worked.

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Ok, camcreate isnt very good since AI units dont understand that the object is there...

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Ok, now I placed 5 wires on the map called:






and I used this script instead:

_cam="Camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

_cam camsettarget Player

_cam camsetrelpos [0,3,0]

_cam camcommit 0

@camcommitted _cam

?(Amount==5):Wire1 setpos [getpos _cam select 0,getpos _cam select 1];Wire1 setdir getdir Player

?(Amount==4):Wire2 setpos [getpos _cam select 0,getpos _cam select 1];Wire2 setdir getdir Player

?(Amount==3):Wire3 setpos [getpos _cam select 0,getpos _cam select 1];Wire3 setdir getdir Player

?(Amount==2):Wire4 setpos [getpos _cam select 0,getpos _cam select 1];Wire4 setdir getdir Player

?(Amount==1):Wire5 setpos [getpos _cam select 0,getpos _cam select 1];Wire5 setdir getdir Player

camdestroy _cam


Player removeaction action


Player addaction [format["Build Fence (%1)",amount],"Fence.sqs"]

?(Amount==0):Player removeaction action;exit


Still easy and the tanks now try to avoid the wires.


Init field of the player unit:

Action=0;amount=5;this addaction ["Build fence (5)","Fence.sqs"]

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Hmmm...the vehicles still try to drive through the wires even when I just move them with setpos....first time it went around but all the other times it tries to drive through them.

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