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Influence of heat to weapon's firing properties (dispersion, jams...)

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just read an article about german troops in afghanistan complaining about the unreliability of their AR G36.

due to long firefights soldiers realised, that their weapon's dispersion is getting bigger and bigger the longer the fight does last. the article claims that after a couple of hours of fighting the accuracy of fire decreased to 1/3 at a fighting distance of 300m.

I really can't say, how heat affects other weapons (M4, M16, FAMAS, other ARs) and how they may affect ArmA 3's future weapons.

What do you know about such effects and do you know if something like dispersion caused by heat is present in the game?(if not, should it be?)

grz Cthulhu

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After the deployments of my father, he always said about how much more he preferred the G3 over the G36, lol.

I totally miss effects like that in ArmA, especially jams. Some nice (sound-)effect and animation for it (fixing) would be nice, too.

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It's a know fault with the G36 how the trunion holding the barrel gets heated and starts to become soft. This is due to it being made of polymer. This is just a g36 thing and it doesn't happen with most other rifles.

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each barrel gets heated when firing fast or auto... the g36 problem is that the drain of heat isn't as good as the drain full metal weapons (M4) due to the heat draining properties of the materials

so... as soon as there is heat there are tensions in the material which cause deformations... and each deformation influences the firing properties of a weapon (deformation of the clasp is responsible for weaponjamming i think)

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