Hey Everyone, Here is my Simple Sitting Script: http://i.imgur.com/qWBNRxM.jpg (272 kB) 1.Download the mod at the link at the bottom of the page. 2.Extract the Chair folder into your mission folder. 3.Create a file called init.sqf and add this into that file. MAC_fnc_switchMove = { private["_object","_anim"]; _object = _this select 0; _anim = _this select 1; _object switchMove _anim; }; 4.Place a Camping Chair on the map. (Found at Tents>Camping Chair) 5.Add this in the initialization: this addAction ["<t color='#0099FF'>Sit Down</t>","Chair\sitdown.sqf"] Now when you get in game, you will new get the option to sit down! (You can change #0099FF in the Init script to change the colour of the the text in game!) Download Link: GameFront http://www.gamefront.com/files/23625426/MacRae%27s+Chair+Script.zip Download Link: MediaFire http://www.mediafire.com/download/w8b6g52kvjgzevi/MacRae%27s_Chair_Script.zip Feedback will be appreciated!