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[Net Advice] Group Marker Script

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Hi guy´s

Trying to make a group marker script, this one creates a Respawn position for the Player´s group and group markers for all other groups.

My questions:

- How can I delete marker form empty groups? Right now it moves the markers form empty groups to position [0,0,0] :confused:

- How can i read the icon type (Men,Air,Armor) form the config file?

Here is what i get so far :eek:

Author: GrumpySheep

Creates group markers for all groups and a respawn position for the player group


Run on client Side only !
[] execVM "groupMarker.sqf";

private ["_color","_icon","_grpNr","_mrk"];

_color = switch (side player) do {case WEST: {"ColorBLUFOR"}; case EAST: {"ColorOPFOR"}; case Independent: {"ColorIndependent"}};
_icon = switch (side player) do {case WEST: {"b_inf"}; case EAST: {"o_inf"}; case Independent: {"n_inf"}};

while {true} do {
_grpNr = 0;
_mrk = [];
		if( side _x == playerSide ) then {
			_grpNr = _grpNr + 1;

			if ( _x == group player ) then {
				_mrk = format ["respawn_west%1",_grpNr]
			} else { _mrk = format ["mrk_grp%1",_grpNr]; _mrk setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8,0.8] };

			if ((getMarkerType _mrk) == "" ) then {
				createMarkerLocal [_mrk, getPosASL leader _x];
				_mrk setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
				_mrk setMarkerTypeLocal _icon;
				_mrk setMarkerColorLocal _color;
				_mrk setMarkerTextLocal (groupID _x);
			} else { _mrk setMarkerPosLocal (getPosASL leader _x) };
	} forEach allGroups;
sleep 2;

Thanks for your advice and time :)

Greetings BlackSheep

P.s.: Sorry for my bad english

Edited by BlackSheep
Can some pls change the topic name to [need advice] ...

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for deletion - could try something like...

while {true} do {
   _grpNr = 0;
   _mrk = [];
           if( side _x == playerSide ) then {
               _grpNr = _grpNr + 1;

               if ( _x == group player ) then {
                   _mrk = format ["respawn_west%1",_grpNr]
               } else { _mrk = format ["mrk_grp%1",_grpNr]; _mrk setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8,0.8] };

               if ((getMarkerType _mrk) == "" ) then {
                   createMarkerLocal [_mrk, getPosASL leader _x];
                   _mrk setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
                   _mrk setMarkerTypeLocal _icon;
                   _mrk setMarkerColorLocal _color;
                   _mrk setMarkerTextLocal (groupID _x);
               } else { _mrk setMarkerPosLocal (getPosASL leader _x) };

  [color="#FF0000"]             if ((count (units _x)) == 0) then 
			deletemarker _mrk;	
			deleteGroup _x; 
			_x = grpNull;
			 _x = nil;			

       } forEach allGroups;
   sleep 2;

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_groups = {side _x == playerside} count allGroups;

player sidechat format["There are %1 groups left", _groups];

use this to ensure the groups are actually removed - you may not need the nil part of the script cant remember

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nil part is needed, for the correct number groups

Thank you

Greetings BlackSheep

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