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UAV Terminal Classname?

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Thanks. :) Oh and also, the AAF UAV Operator is in NATO equipment. (Vest and Helmet are NATO.)

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Thanks. :) Oh and also, the AAF UAV Operator is in NATO equipment. (Vest and Helmet are NATO.)

It is better to report bugs via Feedback Tracker (http://feedback.arma3.com), but I will look at it. Thanks :)

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If you addWeapon it will show up in your GPS slot (replacing your GPS without warning). if you addItem it will show up in your inventory and you'll need to move it to your GPS slot in order to use it.

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I've been searching like mad for this one. Now I can finally create my AA AT Pilot Driver UAV Operator abomination.

Thanks DarkDruid! You guys gonna put this info on the wiki any time soon?

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I'm able to add a uav terminal to a player's inventory, but I can't seem to use it. I placed a drone on the map as well. Is there anything else I need to do?

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I'm able to add a uav terminal to a player's inventory, but I can't seem to use it. I placed a drone on the map as well. Is there anything else I need to do?

Make sure the UAV is empty.

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Empty UAVs can't be controlled, you need to add a crew to them before that.

Place the UAV on the map and put this in it's init:

createVehicleCrew this;

That should allow you to control the UAV.

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I am using a SPAWN script for my Drone. Where and how do i add the

createVehicleCrew this;

The script is this one

} else {

// Spawn the vehicle

_veh = "B_UAV_02_CAS_F" createVehicle (getPos spawnDrone1);

_veh setpos [(getpos _veh) select 0, (getpos _veh) select 1, ((getpos _veh) select 2) + 0.5];

_veh setDir (getDir spawnDrone1);

_veh addeventhandler ["killed", "[1] spawn persistent_bluforkilled"];

sdelay = sdelay + 120;

playSound "confirm1";



Edited by Spectrobr

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When placing a UGV in the editor, how do I access its terminal? Is there an additional object placement needed?

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Okay first it has to be NATO (Autonomous) and then you have to equip yourself with a UAV Terminal. Use the action menu, and a new screen comes up, find the UGV on that screen (that's the UAV Terminal interface), right-click on the UGV, and Connact Terminal to UGV, and you then should be able to control it. Bear in mind you'll need a NATO UAV Terminal to do this, not sure honestly if OPFOR and Independent will connect.

Have fun.

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^^ this :)

Also, put this in the player init line and you start with the terminal:

this linkItem "B_UavTerminal";

That's assuming you are blufor. If you are independent or opfor use "I_UavTerminal" or "O_UavTerminal".

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