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Extracting Stratis - For reference

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I am wanting to extract the Stratis map to load into O2 in order to create some reference planes for scaling and am unable to do so. I keep getting and error when attempting to extract the pbo.

The Stratis pbo(s) are the only ones I get errors with. I can understand why they would make it a little more difficult to extract these, but is there any way around it?

I am working on some rather large structures and really need to be able to open the maps in order to create reference planes for scaling.

This is for Damns, High rise highways and bridges and such.

Is there any way for me to load the maps or am I just stuck with trial and error for scaling of large structures as these?

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You dont need extract just get the position in game

Find the cell size and place a gamelogic where you want to place the bridge move it around in steps using the cell size as your key, return the asl or atl whichever best and use diag_log to spit to arma report , simply translate to the verts in o2 in a more apropiate co ord setting out from 0, 0, 0

If you try and open statis as an xyz in o2 it will die .

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You can't load maps into O2, for it is not a model, maps are made in visitor 3

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Haha never been accused of knowing something before lol,

Stratis is 4 meter planes or cells so [0, 0, 0] is bottom left

Put a player in the general area of your bridge and make radio trigger pp = getpos player ( there are several getpos pls choose atl asl wchever)

; diag_log format ["%1", pt]

Of course the verts are at 4m intervals so find nearest vert to your pos using division of 4, press escape and use the debug dialog to place cones using 4m rule and diag_log there height and pos then when you have enough data scale it in o2 or put it in exact and center all at the end .

Of course a simple script would be much better but its late here , hopefully you know ya stuff

Edited by Sealife

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Thanks for your response.

I think I see what you are getting at...

Time to break out the construction and surveying crew?

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