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Named Timers

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Is it possible as a result of firing a Detected by OPFOR Trigger to start a named timer? I am sure I could this back my days of flashpoint editing in LUA Script. And if I can make a named timer, can I cancel it with another trigger condition?


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What is a "named timer"? LUA has never been useable in Arma games. There's no timer function or anything so you'd have to hand code whatever timer you wanted and therefore should be able to cancel it at will.

Also, we don't speak of "The Game That Shall Not Be Named" here. The only Flashpoint game is now called Cold War Assault. That other yellow and black bastard is an affront against all things Good and Pure and Holy. :)

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Me and my big mouth (currently inserting foot into it).

Kyl, let me ask you this then. If I had a pair of soldiers patrolling (grouped) and I killed one that would be a Detected by OPFOR. I then want a 1 minute timer to run and then at the end flares and then backup troops to the area. If I can find the other OPFOR that knows of my presence and kill him, the whole trigger is cancelled, therefore no troops/flares etc

That is what I am trying to achieve

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I'd done a demo similar to that a while back, let me see if i can find it. (I know it's at home at least.)

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Wouldn't this work:

(!alive enemy1 AND alive enemy2) OR (alive enemy1 AND !alive enemy2)

with a timeout for 60 seconds (condition needs to be true for 60 seconds)

Then run whatever code you want to reinforce and sent flares.

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I think he wants it to apply to any AI, so each encounter he has 1 minute to kill them and remain undetected as it were.

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Setup your Trigger for the area (whole island?) OR you can just Group it to YOU only.

Set the Trigger as Detected by OPFOR and use the TIMEOUT Timer already built in.

Set your times for all three to: Min:60, Mid60, Max60 - as soon as you engage the

two enemy, you have 60 seconds before the Trigger runs what you want. If you

can kill both before the Timer reaches 0, it will cancel. Assuming its just the two.

[gaming theory: IF there are reinforcements near by, wouldn't they hear the fight?]

You will need to add the Script Call in the Activation part to run the .sqf for the

flares and reinforcements.

(search for the .sqf examples and check kylania's site also for ideas)

A set 60 seconds is kinda robotic though? I would use a range 20-60-90. OR set

the Flares to the range and the reinforcements to a set number to simulate the

KNOWN distance away of said reinforcements, therefore KNOWN time to arrive.

Edited by Goblin

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Wouldn't this work:

(!alive enemy1 AND alive enemy2) OR (alive enemy1 AND !alive enemy2)

with a timeout for 60 seconds (condition needs to be true for 60 seconds)

Then run whatever code you want to reinforce and sent flares.

So you are saying create a OPFOR Detected me, put your code in condition with the 60 second and then the flare stuff in activation? or linked to another trigger?

---------- Post added at 18:57 ---------- Previous post was at 18:53 ----------

Setup your Trigger for the area (whole island?) OR you can just Group it to YOU only.

Set the Trigger as Detected by OPFOR and use the TIMEOUT Timer already built in.

Set your times for all three to: Min:60, Mid60, Max60 - as soon as you engage the

two enemy, you have 60 seconds before the Trigger runs what you want. If you

can kill both before the Timer reaches 0, it will cancel. Assuming its just the two.

[gaming theory: IF there are reinforcements near by, wouldn't they hear the fight?]

You will need to add the Script Call in the Activation part to run the .sqf for the

flares and reinforcements.

(search for the .sqf examples and check kylania's site also for ideas)

A set 60 seconds is kinda robotic though? I would use a range 20-60-90. OR set

the Flares to the range and the reinforcements to a set number to simulate the

KNOWN distance away of said reinforcements, therefore KNOWN time to arrive.

Thank you for your time and effort Goblin, all was going well until the last couple of steps. I know jack about scripts, would love to learn so I can take my mission to the left level. Any dummy tutorials kicking around on the floor?????

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If you have two specific units, then yeah. In the on act

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