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"IF" script help

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Hi to all, i need help with a script.

These script can me unload a prisoner from my shoulder into a helicopter, checking if it is already into the chopper.

I have a problem (Becouse i really don't understand the If commend) with the script.

if (!prisoner1 in UH1H) then {detach prisoner1; prisoner1 switchmove ""; exit}
if (!prisoner2 in UH1H) then {detach prisoner2; prisoner2 switchmove ""; exit}
if (!prisoner3 in UH1H) then {detach prisoner3; prisoner3 switchmove ""; exit}

I wont exec this script once time for once prisoner. (Don't look the things after "Then".)

Where i wrong?

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I'm sorry, I don't really understand your question.

the if-part checks, if the prisoners are NOT already in the UH1H. "!" is the opposite of a statement:

if (prisoner1 in UH1H) = checks if prisoner1 is in the UH1H

if (!prisoner1 in UH1H) = checks if prisoner 1 is not in the UH1H

It would be better to put the "!" in front of a bracket, though "!(prisoner1 in UH1H)"

If your question was, how not to have one line per prisoner, put the prisoners in an array and use this: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/forEach

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I explain my question:

1. I go near the prisoner and i get a new action on it.

2. This action start a script for taking the hostage from ground on my shoulder


_this select 0 removeaction A2
_unit = _this select 1
On = False
_this select 0 switchmove "AmovPsitMstpSnonWpstDnon_ground"
_this select 0 switchmove "AinjPfalMstpSnonWnonDnon_carried_Up"
_unit switchmove "AcinPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon_AcinPercMrunSrasWrflDnon"
_unit attachto[_this select 0,[0.1,0.55,0]]
_unit setdir 180
detach _unit
_this select 0 attachto[_unit,[0.1,0.1,-0.05]]
_this select 0 setdir 180
A1 = UH1H addAction ["Rilascia", "Ostaggi\Rilascia.sqf", nil, 6, True, True, "", "(_target distance _this) < 4"]

3. After the finish of script i get my hostage on my shoulder with the command "attachto"

4. I go to my chopper where i must put the hostage on my shoulder into the chopper like a normal player

5. I am free to take another hostage and restart from point one

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