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JIP Marker Function help.

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i wrote these 2 little functions in order to handle markers for JIP's.

Even though they seem to be workimg (tested them on a localy hosted dedicated) i'm getting an undefined variable error.

setMarkerJIP =
private ["_marker","_pos","_type","_size","_text","_color","_brush","_shape","_markerArray","_JIPArray"];
_marker = _this select 0;

_pos = getMarkerPos _marker;
_type = getMarkerType _marker;
_size = getMarkerSize _marker;
_text = _this select 1;
_color = getMarkerColor _marker;
_brush = markerBrush _marker; 
_shape = markerShape _marker; 

_markerArray = [_marker,_pos,_type,_size,_text,_color,_brush,_shape];

JIPArray = JIPArray + [_markerArray];
//server setVariable ["JIPMarks",_JIPArray,true]; 
publicVariable "JIPArray";


createMarkerJIP =
/* [_marker,_pos,_type,_size,_text]; */

private ["_array","_marker","_pos","_type","_size","_text","_color","_brush","_shape","_mrk","_unit","_JIPArray"];
_unit = _this select 0;

if !(local _unit) exitWith {};
if (!isNil "JIPArray") then 

 for "_i" from 0 to (count JIPArray) do
  _array = JIPArray select _i;
  _marker = _array select 0;
  _pos = _array select 1;
  _type = _array select 2;
  _size = _array select 3;
  _text = _array select 4;
  _color = _array select 5;
  _brush = _array select 6; 
  _shape = _array select 7;

  _mrk = createMarkerlocal [_marker,_pos];
  _mrk setMarkerTypelocal _type;
  _mrk setMarkerSizelocal _size;
  _mrk setMarkerTextlocal _text;
  _mrk setMarkerColorlocal _color;
  _mrk setMarkerbrushlocal _brush;
  _mrk setMarkershapeLocal _shape;  



if (true) exitWith {}; 

it's called like this in the init.sqf

if (!isServer && isNull player) then {isJIP=true;} else {isJIP=false;};

[Other Code]...

if (isJIP) then 
[player] call createMarkerJIP;

and i'm getting this Error

 for "_i" from 0 to (count JIPArray) do
  _array = JIPArray select _i;
  _marker = #_array select 0;
ERROR: Undefined Variable in Expression: _array

Like i said, it seems to be working non the less. But i'd still like to fix this.

Cheers, help is much appreciated!

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i see that you have declared a private var of "_JIPArray" and a public var of "JIPArray"

not sure why the names are so similar? i would do a rewrite personally.

try this to get ride of the error:

cuzz your trying to Count JIPArray which is nil or was that intentional lol?

if (isNil "JIPArray") then {JIPArray = //what you want it to equal here};

then do your for i from x code etc

Edited by falconx1

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Ok, think i got it fixed now. _JIParray was a leftover from earlier versions.

since arrays start at 0 the last iteration of the code was always undefined, duh! :D

So here's the updated code:

setMarkerJIP =
private ["_marker","_pos","_type","_size","_text","_color","_brush","_shape","_markerArray","_JIPArray"];
_marker = _this select 0;

_pos = getMarkerPos _marker;
_type = getMarkerType _marker;
_size = getMarkerSize _marker;
_text = _this select 1;
_color = getMarkerColor _marker;
_brush = markerBrush _marker; 
_shape = markerShape _marker; 

_markerArray = [_marker,_pos,_type,_size,_text,_color,_brush,_shape];

JIPArray = JIPArray + [_markerArray];
//server setVariable ["JIPMarks",_JIPArray,true]; 
publicVariable "JIPArray";


createMarkerJIP =
/* [_marker,_pos,_type,_size,_text]; */

private ["_array","_marker","_pos","_type","_size","_text","_color","_brush","_shape","_mrk","_unit"];
_unit = _this select 0;

if !(local _unit) exitWith {};
if (isNil "JIPArray") then 
 JIPArray = [];

  if (count jiparray == 0) exitWith {};

 for "_i" from 0 to ((count JIPArray) - 1) do
  //_array = JIPArray select _i;
  _marker = (JIPArray select _i) select 0;
  _pos = (JIPArray select _i) select 1;
  _type = (JIPArray select _i) select 2;
  _size = (JIPArray select _i) select 3;
  _text = (JIPArray select _i) select 4;
  _color = (JIPArray select _i) select 5;
  _brush = (JIPArray select _i) select 6; 
  _shape = (JIPArray select _i) select 7;

  _mrk = createMarkerlocal [_marker,_pos];
  _mrk setMarkerTypelocal _type;
  _mrk setMarkerSizelocal _size;
  _mrk setMarkerTextlocal _text;
  _mrk setMarkerColorlocal _color;
  _mrk setMarkerbrushlocal _brush;
  _mrk setMarkershapeLocal _shape;  


if (true) exitWith {}; 


if (!isServer && isNull player) then {isJIP=true;} else {isJIP=false;};

[Other Code]...

if (isJIP) then 
[player] call createMarkerJIP;

NOTE: setMarkerJip has to be called like this:

 ["[b]markerName[/b]","[b]MarkerText[/b]"] call setMarkerJip; 

feel free to use it, afaik there's no function for that so far (suprisingly, maybe i just didn't search properly).


Edited by mantls
Fixed code, added description

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