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Chinnooks,Apaches and Seahawks Oh My!

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Sorry if this has been asked before, I know Konyo is working on an A3 version of the Chinnook, which I must say looks pretty neat already, but does anybody have any plans to create A3 versions of the other helos from Blufor and Opfor in A2.

I like the idea of A3 being set slightly in the future and I can see why the future tech of the military was used. I don't think they should leave out these older aircraft though as if they were just scrapped overnight by the military due to cutbacks in spending. LOL! Whats new! then started shipped in a load of new uniforms and aircraft to replace everything. (being a little pedantic there!)

Before you suggest I port over my A2 stuff or use AIA, I've done that and I'm fed up with the errors and no classnames etc.

Actually be quite nice to see some of the older stuff working properly eventually.

So back to the question, any work in progress at the moment we could potentially see in the not so distant future?

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If your after the mentioned but cannot do the work yourself I suggest the best place to mention this would be here rather than this section. Further more there will be all of what you mentioned and more over time you'll just have to put your patience (the state of endurance under difficult circumstances) hat on, or learn the bi tools for yourself.

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