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AI HELO Insertion & Extraction

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Hi Community,

I have a helo that comes in and lands. What I want is for on landing 8 soldiers get out and two named AI get in (I presume as cargo), then for it to take off.

As I said I have got it to come in and land on a trigger, just trying to get the Unload/Load part straight. Got to work out how to spawn a team in the helo as well.

Any help appreciated


---------- Post added at 15:37 ---------- Previous post was at 15:26 ----------

If it is a complication the Helo starts over water

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{_x moveInCargo chopper1} foreach units group this; for putting groups into a vehicle mate. obviously changing the name of "chopper1" to whatever you want yours to be called. or this moveInCargo chopper1 in each unit, again changing "chopper1" to whatever yours is.

Edited by KDK11

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Sorry KDK, I did not see your post in time. I have the spawn in helo part working..... the same method that you suggested.

Thank you anyway

---------- Post added at 16:08 ---------- Previous post was at 15:56 ----------

Got the helo to unload the squad, don't know how to move them away from helo but working on that bit. Just got to work out now how to get the helo to wait for two AI to move inside the helo and then for it to fly off and de-spawn somewhere.

Help appreciated :)

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search the forum mate its there somewhere. Kylania helped me with the same thing. I dont have Arma 3 installed at the moment so I cant have a look for you but I have it in my mission too.

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1: place 'player' on the map, with or without squad members

2: name them all eg. unit1, unit2, unit3

3: put heli some where on the map, name it heli. Place a waypoint pretty much on top of the heli

4: place trigger "Radio Alpha" (this is the what you radio for the evac to commence) sync it to helo's first waypoint (the one right next to the helis starting pos)

5: put another waypoint on a helipad (invisible) where you want the LZ to be. the waypoint should be 'load' and its init should be

dostop helo; helo land "get in"

then place another waypoint next to the H pad. In the condition of the waypoint put

((!alive unit1) OR (unit1 in helo)) AND ((!alive unit2) OR (unit2 in helo)) AND ((!alive unit3) OR (unit3 in helo))

add however many units you have in your squad.

6: place a final waypoint that leads to end of mission eg. trigger ending game or another drop zone.

That should solve the part for your chopper to wait for certain units to be in the chopper before it takes off

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strings of OR are inelegant. :)

{alive _x && _x in helo) count unit groupName == {alive _x} count units groupName

This assumed all units are in the group named groupName. If for some reason you have them separate, replace units groupName with [unit1, unit2, unit3, unit4].

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I have a very basic setup here so I can try to understand the mechanics of Helo Insertion & Extraction;

1. One Player

2. NATO Squad in named helo

3. Waypoints for helo for Move, Transport Unload & Move

4. GameLogic Land syntax

The helo flies in, lands, unloads cargo (troops) and then powers down. Why doesn't it move to the last waypoint afer the last troop cargo gets out?


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KDK11, I have that method on my mission but the helicopter still powers down after troops have got out.

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How far is the journey the helo takes to get there? Is it constantly hovering out at sea or above land waiting for you to trigger it coming in?

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To get to the transport unload it is quite short as it is only a learning mission dedicated only to this. Probably 100m plus. the Move WP after the unload is about 2km away

Note:- I just extended the fly in distance to 500m and it still powers down on unload complete

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Can you send me the mission you are testing it on? quite curious as to why its behaving like that

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dropbox? mediafire? anything like that then post link in here

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Yeah got it. Let me take a quick look. wait out

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It does that because you tell it to. :) You tell it to doStop, which means it stops doing it's waypoints so doesn't fly away. You also tell it to land "LAND" which means to land and turn off it's engines.

Simply remove the onAct stuff from your Transport Unload waypoint and it'll work fine.

Also you don't need a GameLogic to then spawn a helipad empty from the init, just put down a helipad invisible. :) It's under Objects (Signs).

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Yeah Kylania beat me too it! lol Where did you get all that code from? That is not in the guide I posted lol

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Thank you to you both. I am not sure where I got that code from. I have looked some many places for things. I will remove the dostop stuff (which in thinking I might have got from YouTube based on Alpha version). Off to try it now. With reference to the Objects Signs, when I tried it about an hour ago the helo did not land but I guess that might be because of the dostop stuff. I will report back in five.

Sincere thanks again for your help

---------- Post added at 01:59 ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 ----------

Got rid of GameLogic and the dostop and it now works perfectly. Thanks to you both. Going to try and get the coming around to pick up soldiers working now.

Again, my thanks and genuinely sorry to have wasted your time on this

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Going to try and get the coming around to pick up soldiers working now.

What do you mean by this? And you have not wasted either of our time. We take our time to look on these forums and we chose to take our time to try and help you lol Keep asking questions! its what forums are for. You should have seen the amount of questions I asked when I first started with arma 3 mission editing. Kylania is witness to that! Since he helped me with most of it lol

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Now that the helo drops them off I want to add to the mission the helo doing a circuit and then coming back in to pick up the troops it just dropped off. I will be doing this by a Radio Alpha trigger (know that bit). Once troops on board, I want the helo to fly off into the distance with some nice romatic music playing. Well I might skip the music bit :)

---------- Post added at 02:31 ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 ----------

1: place 'player' on the map, with or without squad members

2: name them all eg. unit1, unit2, unit3

3: put heli some where on the map, name it heli. Place a waypoint pretty much on top of the heli

4: place trigger "Radio Alpha" (this is the what you radio for the evac to commence) sync it to helo's first waypoint (the one right next to the helis starting pos)

5: put another waypoint on a helipad (invisible) where you want the LZ to be. the waypoint should be 'load' and its init should be

dostop helo; helo land "get in"

then place another waypoint next to the H pad. In the condition of the waypoint put

((!alive unit1) OR (unit1 in helo)) AND ((!alive unit2) OR (unit2 in helo)) AND ((!alive unit3) OR (unit3 in helo))

add however many units you have in your squad.

6: place a final waypoint that leads to end of mission eg. trigger ending game or another drop zone.

That should solve the part for your chopper to wait for certain units to be in the chopper before it takes off

KDK, is the above still valid for getting the squad I have dropped off back in? I was wondering about waypoints for Load & Get in etc.

Off to try

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Yeah but it depends, are you in control of the squad? if so then you can do that above. If not then we need to find out how to get AI to load into a helo once its landed near them. It's what I am testing out now. Queue Kylania to make a entrance with the answer....

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