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I have looked at some of the posts in here relating to tasks and can't find one that seems to deal specifically with the issue I have.

1. I have a helicopter named 'emp_helo_1'

2. I have a trigger in place that displays a hint when the helo is destroyed

3. I have a Create Task called 'task_1' which tells the player to destroy the helo

4. I have a Task State Succeeded

5. I have linked the Player to the to the Create Task, which in turn is linked to the State Change Task, which is then linked to the Trigger

On mission load, I get the task on the list, when I destroy the helo I get the hint, but no update occurs to the task in terms of completion, change state or anything

What have I done wrong here. I have looked at three different tutorials on YouTube all of which match what I have done

I would appreciate any help on this matter. I am using Beta Dev version 0.75.108469


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I don't know if I read this right, but do you manually set the task state?

That's what you have to do unfortunately, because the task system provided in this game won't automatically change the states unless you do.

What do you mean with "linked"? Is it something you scripted or is it synchronized within the editor (which I dont have any recollection of syncing something like tasks to the player).

Could you provide us with your code so far? We can't really help without knowing the details :)

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I will try to be more specific. There are five items on my map;

a. 1 x Player

b. 1 x Empty Locked Helo named emp_helo_1

c. 1 x Create Task with the Name filled in (Task_1) as well as the Title & Description

d. 1 x Set Task State to succeeded

e. 1 x Trigger set with condition !alive emp_helo_1 and On ACCT of hint "Helicopter Destroyed"

f. Via the F2 I have linked the trigger to the Set Task State, Set Task State to Create Task, Create Task to Player

g. When I destroy the helicopter I get the hint "Helicopter Destroyed" but the task does not complete

On a similar note, I created a mission that has two items, a player and a create task, both linked via F2 menu. However, when you load this one and go to the map, the word Tasks is not even visible

I have uploaded both sqm files in a 7z at the following address as I can't for the life of me work out why this isn't working. Link as follows here

Any help truly appreciated


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Did you include this in your mission?

Now all that there's left, is setting the task status:

tskExample1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";

tskExample1 setTaskState "FAILED";

tskExample1 setTaskState "CANCELED";

tskExample1 setTaskState "CREATED";

"SUCCEEDED" = Makes the checkbox green

"FAILED" = Puts a red cross in the checkbox

"CANCELED" = Puts a grey diagonal line through the checkbox

"CREATED" = Clears the checkbox (makes it look like you've just created it)

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Where do I put that lot? None of the tutorials I watched on YouTube mentioned this.


---------- Post added at 20:56 ---------- Previous post was at 19:02 ----------

I have just noticed, this thread is in the wrong place. Apologies for that

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Typically it would go in the "on activation" field of the trigger you use when an objective is complete. It could also be put into a waypoint or worked into a script.

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