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Startup Parameter "-window" alternative "-fullscreen?"

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I know the startup parameter "-window" starts Arma into windowed mode automatically, but is there a parameter to start in Fullscreen? If I leave "-winodw" out of the parameters Steam pops the dialog up asking if you want full or windowed.

If not, could someone with a good track record on the "bugtracker" put in a request to add something along the lines of:

-window=1 (would start in windowed mode)

-window=0 (would start in fullscreen)

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All startup parameters are here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters

There is no parameter to start the game in FullScreen. An alternative solution is to make shortcuts (pointed at the arma3.exe) on the desktop with the parameters you want.

If you start it with Steam, the -window parameter is useless. If I'm not wrong, the dialog just read the parameter line (in Steam options) if you choose "Launch Arma 3" and just add -window to the parameters if you choose windowed mod.

I doubt that such a parameter is useful.

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"I doubt that such a parameter is useful."

I am creating an application that will be distributed to my community that will launch players straight to my server without having to open Steam first or having to click anything what so ever before entering my lobby. Currently, using my application I cannot get Steam to stop popping up the dialog that asks to select "Play Arma 3" or "Launch in Windowed". Unless I use "-window" which then of course it will launch Arma 3 in windowed mode. If I do not use this parameter it will pop the dialog up.

"If you start it with Steam, the -window parameter is useless."

Again, starting it with my application and passing the "-window" argument avoids the dialog I am speaking of. Otherwise, it will pop up.

"All startup parameters are here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/...tup_Parameters"

Thank you, I am aware and this is where I am getting my launch parameters to use. I was just not sure if there were additional parameters that have not been properly documented yet, which is why I am asking here.

My current code is useful, but nothing ground breaking. If you are interested in what I am doing I can post my code here.

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