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Issue running .SQF on a unit after respawn

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***EDIT*** I completely derped this one and did not realize that you CAN call init lines with norrin's after revive/respawn. It is nearly at the bottom of "revive_init.sqf" NORRINCustomExec, For me it was exec1 and the folowing fixed my issue.

NORRNCustomExec1				="[s1,squad,1] execVM ""scripts\mark_unit.sqf"";"; 

Don't forget the extra "; or it will cause an error a few lines down.

I am building a mission for my friends and I to play around in, think escape Chernarus without the escape part, yes I will release it when it is ready. I want to have a marker following the squad leader and can easily get that to happen until the unit is revived or respawns, norrins revive if you want to know. I can activate the marker script with,

 nul = [s1,"squad",50] execVM "scripts\mark_unit.sqf; 

As I am sure you are aware after the unit dies the init is cleared, Norrins revive allows us to replace the equipment easily but not the init that I am aware of. I have tried various triggers with conditions set to

 (player == s1) 

That will start the script on the first spawn but fails after respawn/revive.

 !alive s1 

with the script exec in on deactivate and that does not work. I tried a few other syntax types but all gave errors.

I have also tried to call the script from the mission init.sqf the same way I am replacing my addactions after revive/respawn.

 s1 addAction ["Cruise Missile.","scripts\launchMissile.sqf", [this, missilestart,"Bo_GBU12_LGB",1000], 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];
s1 addAction ["Ammo.","scripts\box.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];
s1 addAction ["Bike.","scripts\bike.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];
s1 addAction ["Ural.","scripts\MTVR.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];
s1 addAction ["APC.","scripts\APC.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];
s1 addAction ["Tank.","scripts\Tank.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];
s1 addAction ["Chopper.","scripts\Choppa.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];
s1 addAction ["Jet.","scripts\jet.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];
s1 addAction ["Rearm Truck.","scripts\rearm.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];
s1 addAction ["Refuel Truck.","scripts\Refuel.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"]; 
s1 addAction ["Repair Truck.","scripts\repair.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];

while {true} do {
waitUntil {!alive player};

waitUntil {alive player};

s1 addAction ["Cruise Missile.","scripts\launchMissile.sqf", [this, missilestart,"Bo_GBU12_LGB",1000], 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];
s1 addAction ["Ammo.","scripts\box.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];
s1 addAction ["Bike.","scripts\bike.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];
s1 addAction ["Ural.","scripts\MTVR.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];
s1 addAction ["APC.","scripts\APC.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];
s1 addAction ["Tank.","scripts\Tank.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];
s1 addAction ["Chopper.","scripts\Choppa.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];
s1 addAction ["Jet.","scripts\jet.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];
s1 addAction ["Rearm Truck.","scripts\rearm.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];
s1 addAction ["Refuel Truck.","scripts\Refuel.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"]; 
s1 addAction ["Repair Truck.","scripts\repair.sqf", 0, 1, false, true,"", "_this == s1"];

In the above code I tried the following with no success.

 s1 = [s1,"squad",50] execVM "scripts\mark_unit.sqf";
[s1,"squad",50] execVM "scripts\mark_unit.sqf";
nul = [s1,"squad",50] execVM "scripts\mark_unit.sqf";
[s1,"squad",50] call compile preprocessfile "scripts\mark_unit.sqf";

I am now at a loss and cannot figure this out, any help would be awesome.

Edited by dooks

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