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pcgames.de Article - No Campaign on release?

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This video show about 10 minutes of content from Altis and new vehicles, which i am really impressed by.

But one thing shock me, at the 10:45 mark he said

"Keyword campaign - not there during release. That was the big suprise, so for the release the campaign won't be in the game since they are still working on it. They don't want to repeat ArmA 2's mistakes since they are not satisfied with the AI."

Is this just miscommunication and did Bohemia mean no campaign for the Beta release, or is the Campaign really going to come after the full game comes out?

An official word on this would be appreciated.

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Hi all! The information about the campaign in this article is confirmed, but not complete. We had hoped to openly discuss this with you via a blog next week, so you would not have to rely on a secondary source. Please wait for our blog in which we explain our motivation and more details about these plans.

The only thing I will say now: there will be a campaign for Arma 3 soon after initial release, and it will be FREE for everyone who has the game.


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Hey there.

Please see this post by DnA and continue the discussion in the devblog thread in order to keep the feedback centralized.

I will now close this thread as the good propaganda officer I am.

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