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Model draw question...

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Dear OFP/Arma: Cold War Assault veterans,

Out of curiosity, is it possible to make a soldier model be always drawn first (in front) even if it is behind a object, building, vehicle or even a hill?

Please don't get me wrong. I am not interested in making a hack.

I just wondered if it was possible to make a model that would seem to be never colliding with environment.

A good example would be a holographic sight that seems to be placed infinitely far away from observer.

Please share your thoughts, positive or negative :)

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I've seen some wallhacks in use so it's definitely possible at least somehow:


Someone with a little bit of more knowledge on these things might be able to shed some light on that.

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I've had that idea that it's somehow possible by editing the vertex and/or face properties ('E' and 'shif+E' in O2Light), but I think that only goes as far as to make it visible behind fog and particle effects. I'm fairly sure there is a way, though. I never got into multiplayer editing and have no idea how the above wallhack works, but yeah, there must be a way.

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