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Arma 3 Server Stuck Creating; Can't Select Mission File

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I recently purchased an Arma 3 server from Vilayer to host a Wasteland mission file on. The server came with the GoT version running on it by default which worked fine, but now that I have uploaded a new version the server won't recognize it. The server shows up in the browser, but it shows no mission file and the status is creating. I even tried re-uploading the old mission file to see if it was specific to my new mission file, but now I have the same problem with that one too. Is there something I have to do to make it so the server chooses to run the mission I uploaded? I have the mission in my MPMissions folder. Is there a next step I'm missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Did you just delete the old mission which was set up to be on rotation? In the server.cfg (where the server name, password etc are defined) you can define the mission rotation, as in missions that will be automatically loaded when no admin is logged in. Make sure the name is correct, or just delete that section in the server.cfg and choose the mission yourself by connecting to your server, logging in as admin (#login <password> in chat, then type #missions).

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Thanks so much man! Got the problem all sorted out, server is up and running and the mission works great. Thanks again.

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HI maxjayvious, I am having the similar problem as yours, can you advise me how you sorted it out.

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Having the same problem,I know this thread is outdated, but I dont seem to know how to fix it. I am using TADST.

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