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Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead C-130 J/H Firefighting Script or Config

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I acquired a Bell 412 Addon and it has a firefighting thing where you can drop water on a fire as a fire helicopter and was trying to get it into a C130 H but seems not to work editing the config files

is there a script i can use to hit like manual fire and drop the water on the fire using the C-130 H ? or how do i Edit the Config File For the C-130 H Heres The Link to the C-130H i was trying to Use


Heres The Config File Information on The Bell 412 that i was trying to get converted into a C-130 H

// Basic def.

#define TEast 0

#define TWest 1

#define TGuerrila 2

#define TCivilian 3

#define TSideUnknown 4

#define TEnemy 5

#define TFriendly 6

#define TLogic 7

#define true 1

#define false 0

// type scope

#define private 0

#define protected 1

#define public 2

class CfgPatches


class Bell412


units[] = {"Bell412"};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1;



class CfgVehicleClasses




displayName = "PCFD Aircraft";



class CfgMagazines


class VehicleMagazine;

class FirefighterMag2: VehicleMagazine


scope = 2;

ammo = "FirefighterWeap2";

count = 70;

displayName = "3200 litres";

initSpeed = 1000;



class CfgWeapons


class cannoncore;

class FirefighterWeap2: cannoncore


displayName = "3200 Litres";

burst = 30;

reloadTime = 1e-009;

autoFire = 1;

sound[] = {};

magazines[] = {"FirefighterMag2"};

minRange = 1;

minRangeProbab = 0.95;

midRange = 500;

midRangeProbab = 0.75;

maxRange = 850;

maxRangeProbab = 0.1;

maxLeadSpeed = 1000;



class CfgAmmo


class Bulletbase;

class FirefighterWeap2: Bulletbase


hit = 1;

indirectHit = 0.5;

indirectHitRange = 1;

visibleFire = 1;

audibleFire = 1;

visibleFireTime = 1;

explosive = 0;

cost = 30;

airLock = 0;

maxSpeed = 2;

tracerColor[] = {0,0,0,1};

tracerColorR[] = {0,0,0,1};



class CfgVehicles


class Helicopter;

class OH58_Heli : Helicopter


class NewTurret;

irScanRangeMin = 500;

irScanRangeMax = 8000;

class ViewPilot;

class AnimationSources;

class Sounds;

class Engine;

class RotorLowOut;

class RotorHighOut;

class EngineIn;

class RotorLowIn;

class RotorHighIn;


class Bell412: OH58_Heli


vehicleClass = "PCFDAIR";

displayName = "Bell-412EP Yellow";

scope = 2;

hideWeaponsCargo = 1;

side = 1;

transportSoldier = 2;

crew = "USMC_Soldier_Pilot";

cargoAction[] = {"AH6_Pilot", "UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02"};

DriverAction = "Su34_Pilot";

Icon = "\Bell412\IconBell412.paa";

picture = "\Bell412\Bell412.paa";

model = "\Bell412\Bell412.p3d";

nameSound = "chopper";

accuracy = 0.5;

hiddenSelections[] = {"Cordes","LightD"};

hasGunner = 1;

driverIsCommander = 1;

gunnerUsesPilotView = 1;

enableSweep = 0;

type = 2;

maxSpeed = 375;

armor = 30;

soundEngine[] = {"\Bell412\sound\engine.wav",2,0.9};

soundEnviron[] = {"\ca\Air\Data\Sound\noise",0.1,1};

cost = 10000000;

DriverCanSee = "2+8+18";

mainRotorSpeed = -1;

rotorBig = "velka vrtule staticka";

rotorBigBlend = "velka vrtule blur";

rotorSmall = "mala vrtule staticka";

rotorSmallBlend = "mala vrtule blur";

threat[] = {0.6,1,0.4};

initCargoAngleY = 10;

memoryPointLRocket = "Water1";

memoryPointRRocket = "Water2";

minCargoAngleY = -60;

maxCargoAngleY = 120;

extCameraPosition[] = {0,2,-22};

weapons[] = {};

magazines[] = {};

gunAimDown = 1;

class Library


libTextDesc = "The development began in the late 1970s with two Bell 212 being converted into 412 prototypes. An advanced four blade main rotor with a smaller diameter replaced the 212's two blade rotor. A Bell 412 prototype first flew in August 1979. The initial model was certified in January 1981 with the deliveries commencing in the same month";


class Reflectors


class Left


color[] = {0.8,0.8,1,1};

ambient[] = {0.07,0.07,0.07,1};

position = "L svetlo";

direction = "konec L svetla";

hitpoint = "L svetlo";

selection = "L svetlo";

size = 1;

brightness = 1;


class right


color[] = {0.8,0.8,1,1};

ambient[] = {0.07,0.07,0.07,1};

position = "P svetlo";

direction = "konec P svetla";

hitpoint = "P svetlo";

selection = "P svetlo";

size = 1;

brightness = 1;



class ViewGunner


initAngleX = 5;

minAngleX = -90;

maxAngleX = 50;

initAngleY = 0;

minAngleY = -20;

maxAngleY = 20;

initFov = 0.7;

minFov = 0.42;

maxFov = 0.85;


class Turrets


class MainTurret: NewTurret


startEngine = 0;

outGunnerMayFire = 1;

commanding = -1;

primary = 1;

memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner";

memoryPointGun = "machinegun";

memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview";

castGunnerShadow = 1;

viewGunnerShadow = 1;

gunnerAction = "Su34_Pilot";

gunnerInAction = "Su34_Pilot";

weapons[] = {"FirefighterWeap2"};

magazines[] = {"FirefighterMag2"};

gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\air\optika_Ka50_rocket.p3d";

gunnerForceOptics = 0;

minElev = -85;

maxElev = -30;

initElev = -40;

minTurn = -10;

maxTurn = 10;

initTurn = 0;



class UserActions


class Deploy


displayName = "Raise Water pump";

position = "tankctrl";

radius = 3;

condition = "this animationPhase ""tank"" >= 0.5 and player in this";

statement = "this animate [""tank"", 0]";

onlyforplayer = 0;


class Raise


displayName = "Deploy Water pump";

position = "tankctrl";

radius = 3;

condition = "this animationPhase ""tank"" <= 0.5 and player in this";

statement = "this animate [""tank"", 1]";

onlyforplayer = 0;



class eventhandlers


init = "_this exec ""\Bell412\Floatsystem.sqs"", _this exec ""\Bell412\tank.sqs"", _this exec ""\Bell412\TankPhase.sqs"", _this exec ""\Bell412\Lights.sqs"", _this exec ""\Bell412\Doors.sqs""";

fired = "_this exec ""\Bell412\Fire2.sqs""";



class Bell412a: Bell412


displayName = "Bell-412EP Blue";

model = "\Bell412\Bell412a.p3d";

picture = "\Bell412\Bell412a.paa";


class Ruins;

class Bell412_Wreck: Ruins


scope = 2;

model = "\Bell412\Bell412_Wreck.p3d";

vehicleClass = "Objects";

displayName = "Bell 412 Wreck";




Sgt. E. Tyler

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Hard to tell what all those INIT scripts do, but a guess says these have to added to the C130, either via script or config.

weapons[] = {"FirefighterWeap2"};
magazines[] = {"FirefighterMag2"};

fired = "_this exec ""\Bell412\Fire2.sqs""";

If its that simple ..... your lucky.

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im wondering the same thing, ive sent the autor a note to ask permission to add it to a chinook maybe? What have you been able to find out so far and how is the water disperced from the c130?

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