Hi all,
i need help with this script, it worked before but not now i don't get an error so i don't know what the problem is.
Here is the script rslots.sqf:
private ["_reserved_units", "_reserved_uids", "_uid"];
waitUntil {!isNull player};
waitUntil {(vehicle player) == player};
waitUntil {(getPlayerUID player) != ""};
_reserved_units = ["unit_0","unit_1"];
_reserved_uids = ["1234567890"];
_uid = getPlayerUID player;
if ((player in _reserved_units)&& !(_uid in _reserved_uids)) then {
sleep 20;
hint "You are in a member slot, kicking to lobby in 10 seconds";
sleep 10;
failMission "end1";
i call the sript via the units init field like that:
nul = this execVM "scripts\rslots.sqf";