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Deleting map objects

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Hi there, I'm new to ARMA editing and have ARMA 2 and ARMA 3 Beta installed (both Steam). The last similar thread is 2 yrs old, so sorry if this should be a repost.

I want to delete objects on the map that are part of the standard map (Stratis) in order to remove a base and build a new one of my own design on the same spot. Is there a way to delete these map objects?

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I'm assuming since your talking about stratis that you are probably not using visitor but the 3d editor?

If so ask a mod to move this question to the scripting section as removing the buildings via scripts is the only way to do it. So you will get better reponces in there.

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I'm assuming since your talking about stratis that you are probably not using visitor but the 3d editor?

If so ask a mod to move this question to the scripting section as removing the buildings via scripts is the only way to do it. So you will get better reponces in there.

Thanks. Just to clarify I'm using the Stratis map and the build-in editor from the ARMA 3 BETA main menu

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Yup. That's what I figured. Yea just pm a moderator and ask to move this thread. You'll get better responses in the right area.

Scripting afaik would be the only way to remove the buildings without having access to the core files.

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