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Placed Mines and Explosives Respawn

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Hey all :)

I've been trying to figure this out but its really got me stumped.

How is it do i go about making Placed mines via the editor re-spawn upon detonating?

any help would be greatly appreciated

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Can you give us more context? Why do they need to respawn?

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Can you give us more context? Why do they need to respawn?

I am working on a section of a training mission where teams will have to maneuver past a a minefield and over booby trapped buildings without triggering a single explosion.

If one team managed to trip of the mines it would re spawn within a certain time for the next team to try.

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How are you placing the minefield in the first place? Set that up as a script and then just clear and run the script again.

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How are you placing the minefield in the first place? Set that up as a script and then just clear and run the script again.

The mines are placed via the Editor

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Tophe's Simple Vehicle Respawn script (with all of the edits) can be purposed to do that. I have vehicles and OPFOR on my training map that respawn after being destroyed/killed. I don't see why it wouldn't apply to mines (plus if you disarm them it'll either activate the 'destroyed' timer or the 'abandoned' timer.

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You wouldn't want a respawn script running for each and every mine.

Just spawn the mines via script in the first place and recreate them via the same method.

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private ["_hasname","_delay","_deserted","_respawns","_noend","_dead","_nodelay","_timeout","_position","_dir","_effect","_rounds","_run","_unit","_explode","_dynamic","_unitinit","_haveinit","_unitname","_type"];
if (!isServer) exitWith {};

// Define variables
_unit = _this select 1;
_delay = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {30};
_deserted = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {120};
_respawns = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {0};
_explode = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {false};
_dynamic = if (count _this > 5) then {_this select 5} else {false};
_unitinit = if (count _this > 6) then {_this select 6} else {};
_haveinit = if (count _this > 6) then {true} else {false};

_hasname = true;
_unitname = APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag;
if (isNil _unitname) then {_hasname = false;} else {_hasname = true;};
_noend = true;
_run = true;
_rounds = 0;

if (_delay < 0) then {_delay = 0};
if (_deserted < 0) then {_deserted = 0};
if (_respawns <= 0) then {_respawns= 0; _noend = true;};
if (_respawns > 0) then {_noend = false};

_dir = getDir _unit;
_position = getPosASL _unit;
_type = typeOf _unit;
_dead = false;
_nodelay = false;

// Start monitoring the vehicle
while {_run} do 
 sleep (5 + (random 20));
 if ((getDammage _unit > 0.8) and ({alive _x} count crew _unit == 0)) then {_dead = true};

// Check if the vehicle is deserted.
if (_deserted > 0) then
   _nearPlayers = false;
     if ((_x distance _unit) < PARAMS_VehicleRespawnDistance) exitWith { _nearPlayers = true; };
   } forEach playableUnits;
	if ((getPosASL _unit distance _position > 10) and ({alive _x} count crew _unit == 0) and (getDammage _unit < 0.8) and !_nearPlayers) then 
		_timeout = time + _deserted;
		sleep 0.1;
	 	waitUntil {_timeout < time or !alive _unit or {alive _x} count crew _unit > 0};
		if ({alive _x} count crew _unit > 0) then {_dead = false}; 
		if ({alive _x} count crew _unit == 0) then {_dead = true; _nodelay =true}; 
		if !(alive _unit) then {_dead = true; _nodelay = false}; 

// Respawn vehicle
 if (_dead) then 
	if (_nodelay) then {sleep 0.1; _nodelay = false;} else {sleep _delay;};
	if (_dynamic) then {_position = getPosASL _unit; _dir = getDir _unit;};
	if (_explode) then {_effect = "M_AT" createVehicle getPosASL _unit; _effect setPosASL getPosASL _unit;};
	sleep 0.1;

	deleteVehicle _unit;
	sleep 2;
	_unit = _type createVehicle _position;
	_unit setPosASL _position;
	_unit setDir _dir;

	_dead = false;

	// Check respawn amount
	if !(_noend) then {_rounds = _rounds + 1};
	if ((_rounds == _respawns) and !(_noend)) then {_run = false;};

Here is the code i am trying to use but with no luck.

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Can't really help but where and how are you trying to run the script.

It won't work if you place it in the mines init box.

Never mind I took a look and it works ok.

You need to put the script back to original and call it from another object other than a mine init. name your mines and place them in an array.

{null=[_x] execvm "respawn.sqf"} foreach [m_1,m_2,m_3,m_4];

save as respawn.sqf

private ["_hasname","_delay","_deserted","_respawns","_noend","_dead","_nodelay","_timeout","_position","_dir","_effect","_rounds","_run","_unit","_explode","_dynamic","_unitinit","_haveinit","_unitname","_type"];
if (!isServer) exitWith {};

// Define variables
_unit = _this select 0;
_delay = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {30};
_deserted = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {120};
_respawns = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {0};
_explode = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {false};
_dynamic = if (count _this > 5) then {_this select 5} else {false};
_unitinit = if (count _this > 6) then {_this select 6} else {};
_haveinit = if (count _this > 6) then {true} else {false};

_hasname = true;
_unitname = vehicleVarName _unit;
if (isNil _unitname) then {_hasname = false;} else {_hasname = true;};
_noend = true;
_run = true;
_rounds = 0;

if (_delay < 0) then {_delay = 0};
if (_deserted < 0) then {_deserted = 0};
if (_respawns <= 0) then {_respawns= 0; _noend = true;};
if (_respawns > 0) then {_noend = false};

_dir = getDir _unit;
_position = getPosASL _unit;
_type = typeOf _unit;
_dead = false;
_nodelay = false;

// Start monitoring the vehicle
while {_run} do 
 sleep (5 + (random 20));
 if ((getDammage _unit > 0.8) and ({alive _x} count crew _unit == 0)) then {_dead = true};

// Check if the vehicle is deserted.
if (_deserted > 0) then
   _nearPlayers = false;
     if ((_x distance _unit) < PARAMS_VehicleRespawnDistance) exitWith { _nearPlayers = true; };
   } forEach playableUnits;
	if ((getPosASL _unit distance _position > 10) and ({alive _x} count crew _unit == 0) and (getDammage _unit < 0.8) and !_nearPlayers) then 
		_timeout = time + _deserted;
		sleep 0.1;
	 	waitUntil {_timeout < time or !alive _unit or {alive _x} count crew _unit > 0};
		if ({alive _x} count crew _unit > 0) then {_dead = false}; 
		if ({alive _x} count crew _unit == 0) then {_dead = true; _nodelay =true}; 
		if !(alive _unit) then {_dead = true; _nodelay = false}; 

// Respawn vehicle
 if (_dead) then 
	if (_nodelay) then {sleep 0.1; _nodelay = false;} else {sleep _delay;};
	if (_dynamic) then {_position = getPosASL _unit; _dir = getDir _unit;};
	if (_explode) then {_effect = "M_AT" createVehicle getPosASL _unit; _effect setPosASL getPosASL _unit;};
	sleep 0.1;

	deleteVehicle _unit;
	sleep 2;
	_unit = _type createVehicle _position;
	_unit setPosASL _position;
	_unit setDir _dir;

	_dead = false;

	// Check respawn amount
	if !(_noend) then {_rounds = _rounds + 1};
	if ((_rounds == _respawns) and !(_noend)) then {_run = false;};

Edited by F2k Sel

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C'mon, edited respawn scripts for every mine? Checking for crew count of the mine and that they are x distance away from players? Really??

Spawn dynamically and clean up when you're done:

Put down a marker called "minefield" then a radio trigger or whatever:

{deletevehicle _x} forEach currentField; null = ["minefield", 10, 10, "APERSBoundingMine_Range_Ammo"] execVM "refreshMines.sqf";


_field = _this select 0; // "minefield"
_range = _this select 1; // 10 (meters)
_count = _this select 2; // 10 (count)
_type = _this select 3; // "APERSBoundingMine_Range_Ammo"

currentField = [];

for "_i" from 1 to _count do {
_mine = createvehicle [_type, getMarkerPos _field, [], _range, ""];
currentField = currentField + [_mine];

No waitUntils, no checking crew of a mine since you're using a vehicle respawn. Just random fresh minefields everytime you click a button. :)

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Awsome this is helping alot! the reason for the respawn script for each mine is because i don't want it to spawn randomly

it has to be in the exact position it was in before it was exploded.

For example I placed a Trip wire inside the building just at the door.

I don't want it after it explodes to re spawn in the middle or outside the building.

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That's fine. For static ones place one in the editor where you want it, name it bob then put this in a radio trigger:

copyToClipboard format["_mine = createVehicle [""%1"", %2, [], 0, """"];", typeOf bob, getPosATL bob];player sidechat str(getDir bob);

Then simply paste into the refreshMines.sqf file and add in the setDir using the number you said in sidechat:

_mine = createVehicle ["APERSTripMine_Wire_Ammo", [1911.02,5705.39,-0.0912566], [], 0, ""]; // this line is copy/pasted
_mine setDir 20;  // this number you said in game
_mine setPosATL getPosATL _mine;  // This is because servers suck.
currentField = currentField + [_mine];  // This resets it with the rest.

There is absolutely no reason to use a fully featured vehicle respawn script to replace a single mine on demand.

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The mine gets deleted immediately upon detonation.

create a script like this.


_vehicle = _this;

_vehicleClass = typeOf _vehicle;

_vehiclePos = getPos _vehicle;

waitUntil {isNull _vehicle};

_newVeh = _vehicleClass createVehicle _vehiclePos;

_newVeh execVM "whateverTheFileNameHasToBe.sqf";


and in the editor in your mine init put the following:

this execVM "whateverTheFileNameHasToBe.sqf";

Didn't test it but it should work.

Maybe it will cause a chain of explosions in the time frame that the vehicle is in detonation distance from the mine position. But it will blow the car into infinity anyways.

Else just put a sleep where you feel it's needed.

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and in the editor in your mine init put the following:

this execVM "whateverTheFileNameHasToBe.sqf";

I don't think that will work, if I remember correctly mine init doesn't work. You would have to name the mine and run the code from another init.

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the init must have a variable assigned to the script.

null = this execVM "asdfasdfasdf.sqf";

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Yes but unless they changed it even A hint won't work in then mines init.

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