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Prevent stupid mods like Explosive ammunition.

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I was running a server the other day and some idiots brought AS50s with explosive ammunition, not only is it stupid because of the idea of explosive ammo being used by 2 people, I can't hear nor see it, It lagged up my server and caused a steep frame-rate drop. How can I not allow this?

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Can you not prevent people with mods from even entering your server? Or restricting it to certain mods you approve of?

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Basically all you can do at the moment is

verifysignatures=2 in your server.cfg, the file where you define the admin password etc

This will basically only allow players to connect with

a) BIS Vanilla addons

b) Addons that you have placed the correct Bikey for in your server's "keys" folder

(This will also stop some of the script kiddies but not those with a little know-how or their mentors. Battleye will prevent the majority of the latter when it is released)

One other issue that you may be having is the settings in the mission that you are hosting.

If the mission uses VAS, then it may be possible, that even if the mission you run has removed certain types of magazines, the players can still use them via their saved VAS profiles. I believe the latest version stops this

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