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Playing music when player spawns on map for first time

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Hi Guys

I would like to play a bit of a tune when a player first joins a mission I am making to accompany some text about the misson that I am going to force them to sit through LOL.

I quite like the the Arma 3 default music options we can use with triggers.

Could someone please let me know the correct code ti initialise the music and where I can find the music files and their names so I can use them.

I am planning to put the code in the init file?

Thanks guys


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You will need to edit your


mine looks like this.

//							Music and Sounds						   //

class CfgSounds
// List of sounds (.ogg files without the .ogg extension)
sounds[] = {klendathu};

// Definition for each sound
class Klendathu
// Name for mission editor
name = "PlayerJoin"; 
//Path of the .ogg file. since it's in the same folder just use the filename
sound[] = {Klendathu.ogg, 1, 1.0}; 
titles[] = {};


the of course name your music file to correspond with the above so for example. my music file is named klendathu.ogg (sounds HAVE to be in .ogg format)

next, in the editor, put down a trigger that will activate via that particular player's side. in the same trigger place in the "on act field" the following

_xhandle= [(thislist select 0)] execVM "introinfo.sqf";                          

now you don't have to do it this way but this method has the sound fire instructions from my introinfo.sqf file

introinfo.sqf has this

playsound "klendathu";

or to skip the entire sqf file path you should be able to place "playsound "klendathu"; in the on act section of the trigger and it should still play.

Lastly. I beleive sound filles can be no larger than 10mb? I may be wrong on that but they should be small files like kb.

I hope this helps.

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If you want something simple, to play the sound-track, I prefer making a trigger, setting the condition to 'true', and setting the effect to be the track which you want to play. Always cool to rock out to 'ON THE ROAD' while inserting via heli.

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If you want something simple, to play the sound-track, I prefer making a trigger, setting the condition to 'true', and setting the effect to be the track which you want to play. Always cool to rock out to 'ON THE ROAD' while inserting via heli.

Yeah on the road is pretty cool for vehicle action.

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Wow, nice one guys. I shall try them both tommorrow :cool:

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