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Trigger related to picking up object

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Hi, I am working on a mission where an enemy officer is carrying a briefcase that bluefor needs to retrieve. I've got the briefcase working (attaches to the players torso rather than added to his inventory) and I need a trigger for task accomplished upon retrieving it. Any help would be awesome, thanks!

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So it's just an addAction for picking it up? A simple way would be to just add a trigger, condition

!(isNil "TAG_myVar")

and then have whatever on act you want

in the addAction code or script you add

if (isNil "TAG_myVar") then {TAG_myVar = true; publicVariable "TAG_myVar"};

If you have a point where the player needs to deliever to briefcase you can just check the distance

suitcase distance (markerPos "dropoff") < 20

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That's looking very promising, I'll give it a go tonight and report back, many thanks!

---------- Post added at 18:40 ---------- Previous post was at 18:34 ----------

I'm not at home right now but I'm pretty sure this is what I used:

//act1 = this addaction ["Take Case","carry.sqf",[0],1,false,true,"",""]

taken = _this select 3;

take = taken select 0;

switch (take) do


case 0:


scase = _this select 0;

_man = _this select 1;

scase attachto [_man, [0.035,-.055,-0.22], "LeftHandMiddle1"];

scase setdir 90;

scase removeAction act1;

act1 = _man addaction ["Drop Case","scripts\grab.sqf",[1],1,false,true,"","side player == civilian"];

_man addEventHandler ["killed", "detach scase;_man removeeventHandler [""killed"",0]"];


case 1:


_man = _this select 0;

detach scase;

scase setvelocity[0,0,-.3];

_man removeAction act1;

act1 = scase addaction ["Take Case","scripts\grab.sqf",[0],1,false,true,"","side player == civilian"];

_man removeeventHandler ["killed",0];



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