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isTouchingGround help needed.

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Hi all!

I'm making this mission where I need to check if a helicopter has been landed on the given spot. A normal trigger would go off even if it's hovering over it.

So I named the helicopter "heli" and put this in my trigger on act field: isTouchingGround Heli;

Now for some reason it triggers instantly.. anyone knows what the problem is?

Also is there any way to let's say you place 5 Blufor members and want a trigger to trigger when they have entered the helicopter.

Thanks. :D

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The on Activation field is the code you want to execute when the trigger is triggered... what you want is to put your condition in the condition field. it will already say something like "this" in it, which means the other trigger conditions like side, presence etc. So you will need something like

"this && isTouchingGround heli"

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This is the trigger condition I use to check the player is in vehicle and not on foot, AND is within 1m off the ground.

((vehicle player) in thislist) && (vehicle player !=player) &&((getpos (vehicle player) select 2) < 1);

The reason being, some areas of the map "isTouchingGround" doesn't work. This is because I assume it's still in Beta and parts of the map, specifically the airfield are not identified as land.

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