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Dynamic campaign for ofp?!?

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I was just thinking last night and was wondering if a dynamic campaign could ever be made for a game like this. I was thinking of a campaign-engine like in some flightsim. Like Falcon 4, just in a much smaller scale offcause. Each team on the island could start up with 2-3 small bases around the island and those would have limited supplies and would only resupplied once every day or something like that.. The campaign engine should then automatic generate missions like baseassault or Airstrikes against the enemy that you could choose to take part of or not. The campaign should offcause go on in real time day and night and you should be able to join a tank-platoon or a special forces team or something like that.

And it would be necessary to have small recon units scattered around the island for days..

I realized that there are so many talentet guys out there making so many mods for OFP so maybe this could be done someday… or are people only thinking of multiplayer these days..? Or is this idea just to far out???

Well, just a thought……

Thanks for reading this..


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Moving to ME (this is a scripting task, not modelling) smile.gif

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