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What kind of sorcery is this? (performance)

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Today I wanted to play multiplayer with my friends, because before the A3 beta I just wasn't able to play in multiplayer because of the framerate beind awfully low. And it was pretty much only me. None of my friends had that problem. Now, when game is in beta, I heard they fixed alot of performance issues so I thought to come back to see if now I can play with my friends, and - suprise, suprise - framerate still as bad as it was on alpha. In singleplayer I can get the framerate steady 40-60 FPS with pretty much all on HIGH, but in multiplayer I can't get even 20 FPS with all settings on LOW. Some screenies for you guys to see (note: on these screenies I didn't mess with options, only taking the LOW setting and VERY HIGH setting from selection, but I tested already turning options off and on on AA & PP and tried vsync off also. On these screens, vsync is ON, thats why everything on low screen frames are at 60 FPS):


http://www.upload.ee/image/3405834/2013-06-26_00001.jpg (419 kB)

http://www.upload.ee/image/3405835/2013-06-26_00002.jpg (552 kB)


http://www.upload.ee/image/3405837/2013-06-26_00003.jpg (537 kB)

http://www.upload.ee/image/3405838/2013-06-26_00004.jpg (469 kB)

System specs:

RAM: 8GB DDR3 G-skill

GPU: MSI R6850 1GB (OC'ed version of HD 6850)

CPU: AMD Phenom II x4 965 Black Edition @ 4.0 GHz (has aftermarket cooling, wont go over 65*C)

Power unit: Corsair CX600

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Firstly, you dodged a bullet by adding performance in parenthesis :)

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Now to the matter at hand.

Are you playing with friends which are in your geographical proximity?

MP performance is also influenced by the hosting servers specs. I get similar performance, but that is because I'm holding off on an upgrade and I play on servers with medium ping.

Check out this ticket on the Feedback Tracker and vote and comment on it.

I'll allow a few more posts and then close the thread as there are other threads covering performance floating around.

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Alright, also putted a "(performance)" letters behind it because of that rule. Kinda says that theres issue with performance then.

I get that lag in pretty much every server, time to time I have had lag free, but not very long for lag free, it seems if it gets more populated the issue grows. Friends are playing from Sweden and UK. I myself am from Estonia.

I can't understand how can server affect my frames, it surely is, but why it is, that's the question. Is it in any way fixable by myself? As I said others get good frames, ofcourse they also have beastier PC's than I have, but still. I should be able to play it even in lowest settings.

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As I said, server ping (which increases the further away you are from the server) as well as your PC specs influences your FPS.

Try joining servers with low ping ( under 100) and if your finances allow it, upgrade your PC. Your internet speed also influences MP performance.

Besides that, it's out of your hands.

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Was the same in ArmA2, AI and other calculations on the server affect the clients. Perhaps you could test a MP mission without any or very little AI, such as PVP, and see if it's better.

Shame they haven't found a way to fix this though.

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Was the same in ArmA2, AI and other calculations on the server affect the clients. Perhaps you could test a MP mission without any or very little AI, such as PVP, and see if it's better.

Shame they haven't found a way to fix this though.

Alright, will try it, but funnily enough, ArmA2, ArmA2: OA were running very smooth for me. They had no problems running, but I quess arma2 is an older game now too, so that doesn't count.

EDIT: also, you running both games fine with that HD 6950? Might consider buying a new video card, as I can see you have almost the same processor as I have, so we should have same performances, except on the video card being different.

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If money allows it go for an i5 or i7 processor. The CPU is much more important than the GPU in Arma.

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If money allows it go for an i5 or i7 processor. The CPU is much more important than the GPU in Arma.

well, that means I have to get a new motherboard also... Is there then no good CPU's with AM3 or AM3+ sockets?

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I brought Arma 3 because the site says I' met the minimum requirements (I have a hd4850 + intel core due duo 3.0 + 6 gigs of rams). Well they aren't, at least right now. It's imposssible to play multiplayer even at the lowest setting possible.

Edited by Wilm987

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Don't bother upgrading your system because it's not that, it's the game and it probably won't be improved much. Welcome to the arma series.

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Well to be fair, people with i5 or i7 processors do seem to get better performance but it's a lot of money to switch from an AMD system to an Intel one (new CPU and motherboard at least) and it's not something I can afford, so I'll have to make do.

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I brought Arma 3 because the site says I' met the minimum requirements (I have a hd4850 + intel core due duo 3.0 + 6 gigs of rams). Well they aren't, at least right now. It's imposssible to play multiplayer even at the lowest setting possible.

Same for me even i'm above recommended specs.

Oh and btw. Beta release has no visible performance increase in MP for me.

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they may get a little better performance but no where near what it should be.

my mate has an i7 and it runs not much faster than my pc using exactly the same settings.

my pc is well over min spec and it runs terrible.

any ways we should be getting a blog on what bis will/can do to improve this situation and tbh i cant wait

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Im using one of the new AMD 4.0 8 cores(8x128bit,4x256) I get about 20-70 with view distance at 3000 and everything on ultra, some times it bombs to 10-20's. im also using a HD7850 2gb and 16Gb of ram, the only thing i think is causing my issues is im still using SATA drives and everyone i know has SSD drives .

This is playing on servers with ping between 36-150, not really seeing much of a diffrence with higher ping times.

VSync was really locking me down at sub 30fps rates for a while, disabled that and i was back in the 70's

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It has nothing to do with your PC. If you can run SP fine, you're good. The game has horrible optimization, especially in MP.

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Alright, thanks for all the responses :) I quess the only thing really reasonable to do is wait until the full release...

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I play on a Laptop and don't have issues. It's a good Laptop but it's getting old. ASUS G73 i7 10 gigs ram Turbos to 2.7ghz ati5870. Mediocre setup average 15-45 fps in MP. It's all about optimizing your PC seriously. Be surprised how many complain yet they have 92 processes running in the background..Poor set up on the Internet..Registry errors blah blah blah. I could go on and on. Your PC should run like a sports car. Keep it clean and tune it up. My laptop is still kick'in ass after Three plus years. I'd wipe everything and start from a clean bloatware free install. Strip it down and start fresh it's a lot cheaper.

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It's the game and that's pretty much it. It has nothing to do with your hardware, it has to do with the software not being able to utilize it correctly. Nothing to do but wait and see if they can ever fix it.

According to Max Power in this thread, http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?157268-CPU-GPU-low-activity/page2 , It's as solved as it's ever gonna be so I wouldn't expect much.

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That´s why i´m holding my CPU upgrade. Until some benchmarks trully proves gains (not 5 fps gains).

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