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that crazy respawn thing.

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Hi guys!

I have worked out how to get respawns to work. Kind of...

Respawns happen but for some reason the respawndelay only seems to apply to the AI and not the player. I should mention that I am trying to make a DM map. On the map I have 4 players, two bluefor and two opfor, that are set as playable. I also have two empty markers set as respawn_west and respawn_east.

My description.ext is as following:

respawn = "BASE";

respawnDelay = "5";

respawnDialog = "1";

As I say the respawn delay works as it should for AI and they delay 5 seconds before spawning. However I instantly respawn without any delay or showing the score. What am I doing wrong?

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After looking at that page, which I had been through before, apart from the delay been in quotation marks I cane understand why the AI is complying to the delay timer yet I am getting instantly spawned.

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