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Script for M119 to spawn as a Ace M119 in game through a drop down menu from a crate.

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Hello everyone,

I am in a realism Unit at the current moment, and the Unit's leader is interested in the Ace Artillery system and wants to implement the artillery in operations. But we have a problem, he wants to use the M119, he managed to script it so it would spawn as the ACE M119, but it spawns as vanilla M119 with the Artillery Computer. So I was wondering if someone who is very knowledgeable about this could help me with the script required to be able to spawn a ACE M119 out of a scroll drop down option menu in game at a crate. So if at any point we needed a ACE M119 we would just go to a sea can (which is already scripted to spawn crates, sandbags, bunkers, fuel, ammo, defenses, MGs, Grenade launchers, etc) and simply use the scroll wheel menu and select the ACE M119 and have it spawn behind them. I am no scripter but it would be a huge help if someone could help me, and my Unit leader on this so we could use Howitzers. At the current moment we only use the mortars, because they are the only artillery piece that we can make into ACE artillery by using the CSW menu and build them with the base plant, and mortar tube. My Unit leader does not want to use the editor, or MMC, because he wants to keep a clean environment, also prevent any stray enemy AI from taking equipment, but keep it as realistic as possible.

If anyone could help us with this predicament it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for taking you're time

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