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Hacker/Script Banned List (updated daily)

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Since BattlEye won't be released in a while, we had an in-house admin (AgentRev) create and modify a built-in Anti-Hack for our 404Wasteland mission. This Anti-Hack is always updated to detect known scripts/hacks (yes, some may get through - but it stops over 90-95% of them). The Anti-Hack detects the script/hack, and then it will automatically kick them off the server. So I will go in and check the .rpt logs for anybody who was kicked by the Anti-Hack and add their ID to the ban.txt.

I want to post this list of players/playerIDs for other servers/administrators to add to their ban.txt file (saving you guys the trouble and hassle). I will keep this list updated daily (so it will only grow).

Copy the PlayerID and add it to the ban.txt

Banned Hackers/Scripters

Personally Identifying Information Removed

Edited by Max Power

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Do we copy that list in it's entirety into the ban.txt file? Username and ID?

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No, just the ID (I added the names for future reference in case any of them come to our forums to try and ask to be unbanned).

Should look like this:


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You also know you are breaching the rules on this forum by posting PID's? (Real or Not..)

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