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Co12_Shapur_Revisited_100 = Arma AI problem?

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Shapur_Revisited_100, a very good mission indeed. I joined a server with another player and we had some kind of fun. The bases were awesome and the vehicles and terrain were all cleverly placed. There were light machine guns and many more cool stuff. Also in the enemy base there were many good positions and the enemy was well placed. The right helicopters and the right players could do the trick.

But in my experience in playing this mission, twice it was, I have sadly uncovered a few bugs. That is, the AI intelligence. When I was in the air in a light helicopter I fired missiles and used my machine gun effectively and the AI indeed responded by shooting at me. It really was a battlefield. Everything was ok.

But then we decided to fight on foot. We took a HUMVEE and went for it. We reached the area and we tried to clean up a perimeter. The gunner took some down and we were able to force our way through. But till then we had already had a ghost-zombie like enemy anti aircraft vehicle. They were just standing there doing nothing while we shot and killed them. Strange.... Nevertheless we continued. We arrived at some sort of base and we "saw" nearly two dozen enemy units approaching. Bullets started flying and the battle was really intense. Well at least from our side. After coming towards us they started running around aiming elsewhere. What was happening? Panic? So we approached and even after we were next to them they run around us like we had entered a monkey cage or something. Some crazy stuff we had there. So we shot them not so pleasingly cause they were kind of off but we were aware that maybe they would come back to the real world and then we would be screwed.

We continued into the compound. Most of the enemies acted the same but there was one brain-survivor. Yep. And guess what. In the chaos he killed one of us before being gunned down by myself. Perfect. We shot the rest and run over some other, to save bullets, and then we kind of stopped playing. We didn't accomplish one objection. Nothing.... This was not war but a massacre....

So my questions:

Is this logical?

I haven't got Arma but Rearmed and everything should be fine. Is the AI always like that even in Arma?

Thanks for your time. Sorry for tiring you. Any help or even plain comments are more than welcome.:)

Edited by Helicopterenthusiast

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What was the enemy AI skill set at? With mine set to 60%, they fire on me from very far away and seem quite alert. Sometimes there'll be one or two which seem to glitch and just stand there, but they generally behave ok. Also, sometimes they seem to get onto some kind of predetermined path and will ignore my teammates and our fire, all so that they can run right through us and away somewhere else. This doesn't happen too often though.

The only problem with this is that the enemy, while being relatively smart, will also shoot you with one shot from 1000m using a pistol. The way I fix this is by changing the settings in the TakeOnHProfile file. Go to your Documents folder and into the Take On Helicopters folder. In there you'll find a file called [your_user_name].TakeOnHProfile (where [your_user_name] is your user name, obviously). In this file search for the line "precisionEnemy". Two lines above this will be "skillEnemy". You will probably want "skillEnemy" to be relatively high (it makes them smarter, capable of flanking, etc), but will want to drastically lower the "precisionEnemy" to suit your tastes. Personally, I have "skillEnemy" at 0.6 and "precisionEnemy" at 0.2. This is kind of a balance for me - the not-so-high skill means they won't see me from ages away , but will still be able to perform relatively smartly. The low precision doesn't mean they'll always miss - it just means that the T-72 won't be one-shotting your Hind from 3000m away.

So try changing these (you might prefer very high enemy skill, but I don't enjoy it so much) and it might help. If not, I'm not sure what else you can do. For me, the AI responds ok for me on Shapur. Even with very low skill setting, they'll fire on helicopters (helicopters are loud and are in plain sight), but if they aren't one-shotting you through the glass with an AK at 1km, the AI might just be set low. The in-game slider changes both the "skill" and "precision" - so if your AI is dumb, they will also miss lots, while if they are smart they will also kill you first shot every shot. As I said, I prefer relatively smart, but not more accurate than me.

I hope that helps. If not, you might want to try the ASR AI mod, but I'm not sure if it's ToH compatible. A video of the AI in it using houses properly:

This AI sliders mod by Jedra might also work with ToH: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?131233-Enhanced-Skills-Slider . It won't make the AI better like ASR AI will, but it will let you adjust it a little more effectively.

Edited by Mattressi

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Many thanks for the reply for starters.

Now I have followed your accurate instructions and took a look at my settings. As it seems even in the recruit mode, I sadly do not remember which mode I was playing in, the enemy skill is set to 55% and goes till 82% according to the difficulty level. The precision of the enemy varies from 20% to 82% approximately whereas the precision of the friendly units is always at a rate of 90+%. The friendlies skill is 100% or 98%.

And what I would like to write down is that I have played this mission in the [EvoDan] server, something like that, so I am not aware if my settings play a role in the mission.

Also if I download these patches-mods, will it affect my online game-play by means of letting other players join on my created server?

Or will I be able to join other servers without a problem?

Furthermore, is 55% enemy skill that low that those guys are just standing there?

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Ah, I didn't see that you were playing on a server. Sorry, your AI settings don't affect the sever. It's possible that the server has very low AI settings. It might be an idea to try the mission in singleplayer and see if the problem occurs.

55% is roughly what I run it on and it seems ok for me. AI have troubles with building interiors, but otherwise they're fine.

With the mods, you probably won't be able to join a server with them, but if you make the server (for some reason I assumed that's what you were doing), it will be fine for other players to join, from what I can remember (I haven't played online in a while now). I'm not sure if you know much about mod installation, but you can just make two shortcuts to ToH - one with the mods and one without them. That way you can easily play online and switch to the modded game when you're going to make your own server.

Sorry that I can't be more helpful - as I said, I mostly play singleplayer. Try the map in singleplayer or on a server that you've created (and set the AI settings for) and see what happens. So long as you don't expect them to behave smart inside buildings, it should be fine.

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Honestly nobody could be more helpful.

Now I have tried this mission again on the same server and the friendly AI who were under my command acted fine. They engaged the enemy by land and by air and they succeeded in taking down many hostiles. Maybe too many but never mind that. The only bug with the friendly units was when I commanded them to enter a building to take down some hostiles. The infantry acted kind of fine but there was one that controlled a helicopter...

What he did was indeed effective but a bit unnecessary. He lined up with the building and literally crashed head on on it. The building was destroyed, and the enemy was neutralized but something didn't feel right...:confused:

Also some AI were trying to shoot hostiles kilometers away by the use of their handgun but maybe these guys were meant to be pilots although I think I saw assault rifles on their back...

As for the mod I will try to find the mission so as to download it but as far as I know, I had a little experience, in order to keep two versions of the game you need to copy-paste all of the game files. Then you choose the one you like.

My bad not mentioning that I was on another server.

Hope to see you online sometime. There is a player shortage, so the more the better...

Thanks again.:cool:


Well I have downloaded the mission from the thread but I can not see it when I start the game. I have read the thread and placed the extracted file in the missions folder and in the mpfolder too but nothing seems to happen. So please if anyone has any clue of what I am doing so wrongly please provide me with a solution.

Thanks in advance.


Problem solved.

Edited by Helicopterenthusiast
Problems with the mission download

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