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Mig-29 Fulcrum

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Hi All !

First of all sry for my english. I made over 30 models for Realflight (RC Simulator) and now i wanna get a little more serious....so...

This is my very first attempt to create a model for Arma 2 / OA. I wanna start with the good ol' Mig-29. I hope that you can help me bring my baby to Arma 2 ;)

Here is the first screen from 3DMAX. Very very early WIP ;)

http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/193/mig294.jpg (179 kB)

And i have some questions:

1. Must the model be one piece except the rudders, gear and the cockpit ? (Animations etc.)

2. Must the airplane have a seperate high detailed model of the cockpit for the 1st person view ?

3. Is there a guide to create airplanes for Arma 2 ?

Greetings from germany


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1. No need to be attached. in theory every face could be separate.

2. Your PILOT (and CARGO) LOD can be as detailed or Un-detailed as you like. Only your personal preference and how much hard work you want to do. Quite a few models, including some of mine, have low detail and no working instruments

3. ? Probably no different from Realflight :D .... once you have a good model, its just a case of making a MODEL.CFG and a CONFIG.CPP.

LESSON-6 here is a start. Much is the same in ArmA2


Suggest you name the named sections of the model as you want, not the special Czech names you see in the tutorial.

When you are ready ro finish the model, ask for specific help here. Consider looking at a few example model.cfg or config.cpp from other peoples model.

Happy to show you examples when you are ready. Probably already some examples here.

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Hi Gnat !

So you familiar with Realflight ? ;) Well i will finish the model first. Then i will see what i must do. Its a lot of work. Realflight is nice...but you have only 20000 Tris to do a model. Too less :)

So i guess that means i need pivots on all animated parts ? ;)

Second Screen. Just Wireframe

http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/9715/mig295.jpg (369 kB)


Edited by maxx2504

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It's really great to see another legit modeller in the community.

For all of the animated parts you need axes. Axes are made of two vertices, usually placed in the memory point LOD. Usually you would have to place those in O2 unless you use Soul Assassin's Arma 2 Tool Suite for 3dsmax.


Then you would make a layer in 3dsmax for the memory point lod in O2 and export it.

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Looks great Maxx

As Max Power mentioned, the axis points are simple and could be done once its in O2

Same applies to other MEMORY lod points and Landcontact lod points (wheels etc touch ground)

Get ready to name anything thats going to be be animated. Call it simple names you understand







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Hi !

Another Screens :)


http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/2816/mig298.jpg (581 kB)

@Gnat: Well i watched the Tutorial videos about the Arma 2 Toolbox for 3dmax. I think i understand how to do the Axis. #

But one more question about the axis for animated parts: Do i always need 2 of the memory points ? I guess 2 points defines just the axis between them ?

Whats right then ? (Black are the Points, Red the Axis) So i think when i wanna turn the Axis i must turn the points too right ?



Edited by maxx2504

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Awesome glass on the model maxx2504! :icon_dj:

Here are some info and pics for your Mig-29. Hope it helps ya! ;)

INFO: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikoyan_MiG-29

PICS: http://www.google.com.au/imgres?q=Mig-29+Fulcrum&start=83&um=1&sa=N&biw=1525&bih=727&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbnid=mpX-HwvQxieofM:&imgrefurl=http://www.witty.com.hk/MIG29.php&docid=ttTyYC1MbNIEKM&imgurl=http://www.witty.com.hk/products/MIG29/019_009/MIG29cover.jpg&w=384&h=273&ei=0Ge2UZfZJYWhkQW__YCYCA&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:0,s:100,i:4&iact=rc&dur=1547&page=5&tbnh=189&tbnw=264&ndsp=23&tx=145&ty=108



Also, perhaps an akula skin from assault horizon: :rolleyes:


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Hi !

I dont wanna spam my own thread...but i cant resist :(

Just some simple wings.... fly me to the mooon *sing* ;)

http://imageshack.us/a/img855/1142/mig2912.jpg (535 kB)

http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/5576/mig2913.jpg (483 kB)

http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/6856/mig2914.jpg (718 kB)

@Ranwer: Thanks for your search help but i already have some very good pictures. Also check www.the-blueprints.com ... ;)


Edited by maxx2504

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ok. :)

By the way: those wings are super hot. Still, good work on your model bro, your doing great.

Keep up the good work.


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very nice work, you've got talent for sure. Do you plan on bringing that into amra 3 at some point?

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very nice work, you've got talent for sure. Do you plan on bringing that into amra 3 at some point?

Hi !

@Mellonpopr: The first thing ill do is to bring it to Arma 2....hopefully. Because thats my first Arma 2 mod ever. If its succesful in Arma 2...well maybe i do it for Arma 3 ;)

EDIT: New Screens :)

1. http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/1817/mig2915.jpg

2. http://img547.imageshack.us/img547/2423/mig2916.jpg

3. http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/6113/mig2917.jpg


Edited by maxx2504

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Lovely work Maxx

Whats right then ? (Black are the Points, Red the Axis) So i think when i wanna turn the Axis i must turn the points too right ?

Ummmm? .... confused.

Axis should be made from 2 vertexes (in the MEMORY LOD).

Vertex points have no orientation as such.

Both vertexes are named the same. Example "axis_FlapLeftInner"

The working axis is the imaginary line directly between the 2 points.

Any named faces will simply animate on that axis.

Hope that explains

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Hi !

@GNAT: I think i understand what u mean. Thanks.

A little Update:



Testing some Textures on the Engines to see how they look. What you think ?




Edited by maxx2504

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Maybe try some subtle reds and blues on the bare metals to add some wear and stains from the heat. Plus, maybe add some aditional texture to the white stains on the insides of the burner cans if texel density allows. Some ref pics to illustrate what I'm all about:




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Yea, I was kind of thinking of something like that. For the final textures try to localise the info in the diffuse map more so it corresponds with the info present in the spec, normals and AO bakes - right now it looks you just randomly placed some blue and red splotches in there. Which is ok really since it's your work and you're the one who decides when to (or not) draw the line, but things could be even more visually appealing with a bit of extra work applied in the right spots. If you zipped the (ideally layered) texture file that you've got and PM'ed me that, I'd sit down over the weekend and sketch some ideas into them to get you a better picture of what I'm after.

Contemporary war machinery are mostly dull greenish, yellowish or greyish blobs covered in dust and dirt with generally very little contrast in the diffuse and spec channels and only small details to create visual interest. While this is intended on the real thing, for a game asset (being an artist's work after all!) it's a bit of a buzzkill since replicating that look to it's fullest would essentially create a 3D asset that's well crafted but visually boring to most. I say it would really pay to try and work out the maximum possible texture info in all the small bits and bobs of bare metal, glass and plastic so they really pop when looking at the model and draw the eye a little more than they do on the real thing. Of course you'd still have to make sure it works as a camouflaged thingie, but having a bit of contrast or some extra specular highlighting here and there can do quite a bit for the overall result without making it implausible.

Sorry for the pointless & unrelated rambling, had a long and tiring day at work and needed to vent somehow ;)

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Hey maxx2504, did you finish work on the Mig29 ?

Your work on the model looks excellent.

Have you textured it ?

Here are a couple of pics showing a Mig29 skin I made a few years ago.



Have you considered modeling the SU-47 ?

Here is a picture of the SU-47 flying in formation in a mod I made for BF a while back.


Here's one with a slightly similar skin.


And here's a red SU-47.


Edited by VXF-VOLT

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