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Error importing satalite image...

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Okay so after i import layers, and shoot my satmap+mask i get this error.. http://i42.tinypic.com/no5v04.jpg

It baffles me, as to why all of a suddon its come up, i cant do anything now becuase its reset the satmap to no texture, so i cant view in buldozer, or export my map at all..


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Does that message show when you click import sat n mask?

If so did you change the parameters in the tools menu to save to that location?

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As soon as ive clicked layers.cfg frollowed by the sat+m,ask image i get that error, in params or w.e it is it shows p drive\kahavania\data which is what its allways been so, i have no idea what its doing tbh :/ also when i try and play the last binerized version of the map, i get cannot open structures and cannot open buildings2 etc etc.p3d and nothing loads but the walls, so in effect my whole city has been reduced to walls. Note- i havnt had this problem since i had to reinstall arma2 combined ops. Pretty anoying this is.

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But it pointing towards tut\k....

Check your layers config and make sure the right pathing is in there

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Yeah the files and file paths are correct, nothing has changed anyways.... same files, same paths... just doesnt want to work anymore.

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It's saying error saving to p:\tut\kahavania\data\layers\.....

In your system parameters you say it says p:\kahavania\data

It's missing the 'tut' at the beginning in the system parameters.

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In the preferences its P:\tut\khavania\data but still no luck..

EDIT - Restarted my computer and that fixed the issue!

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