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MP Mission not loading. Waiting for host on lobby

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I'm trying to host a dedicated from my computer right now, and I got the server to attempt to load the mission but now it just sits there and does this:


Also included in this photo is the folder where my batch file is stored, and the batch file itself running.

The mission runs on Listen servers, so I assume that it's not my mission.

Edited by Bran34

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Please upload your report file to Pastebin. Does the mission which you are trying to run use addons? The most common cause of this problem is because the server doesn't have the required addons to launch the mission.

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Yes, it does use addons. Where should I put the addons needed? into this folder where everything else is?

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Yes, it does use addons. Where should I put the addons needed? into this folder where everything else is?

Don't mix up addon folders. Place your '@Addon' folders into the root of your server, ideally. Just ensure that you're running all of the required addons for the missions which you're trying to play, otherwise it won't launch.

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