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How do I get my weapon re-texure in-game?

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Hey so I have the .paa file I want to use that I re-textured for an exisiting arma3 rifle, I just need a detailed explanation and/or a weapon.cfg/config.cpp sample showing me what to change for my texture to be usable, so I would have the Standard Textured Rifle and then the Re-Textured Rifle and not have them interfere with each other, Currently I can't even replace the current texture with my re-texture as I am stuck on how to get it into the game, I have been looking for the past 2 days on how to do it, But havn't found a detailed tutorial and only finding a bunch of weapon.cfg examples but in looking at them I don't see what I need to do or change to get my re-texture into the game as I am quite new with this so I would greatly appreciate if anyone could provide me a sample to just edit with my file names or something ??

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if you can retexture it through scripting there will be a section in the config.cpp that is called hiddenselections[]={}; then your texture will be usable without much work. otherwise youll have to go deeper to find names and such without actually opening up the 3d file. mind telling us what rifle(s) in particular youre trying to retexture?

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