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LK Script Pack + Editing in General

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Hello and thanks for taking the time to check out my post.

I've been playing around with the LK Script Pack and it allows you to bring up a command menu which then in turn allows you to deploy a LAV FQ, FOB Deploy (little base), which then allows you to use a handful of options then including a construction interface where you can put down walls, depots, bunkers, vehicles, etc.

My goal was to get the nuclear launch and detonation to work on a 404Wasteland MP Takistan. I was successful, figured out how to change different things about the damage.sqf, radzone.sqf etc. What I'd really like to be able to do is use the command menu or be able to bring up the same kind of construction interface that I can bring up with the command menu.

The problem is that unlike using the proving grounds console to use execVM "lk\nuke\nuke_incoming.sqf";, you can't really do anything unless you have access to a console and what I personally know how to do is limited due to my knowledge of scripting with sqs / sqf files.

For example if I wanted to use the tomahawk it's basically the exact same script as the nuke (which uses sqf), you see a jet stream in the sky for the falling missle, a sound is played like a whistle before it hits, it explodes with the force of 7-8 GBU-12's. The nuke is a tad different, LK Script uses the Arma 2 Nuke so it's huge. (I think it does?)

Keeping in mind I am using no mods what so ever so an average joe with nothing but -nosplash in his launch parameter can play on this MP Mission when it's live on a server.

If there is a way to use multiple sqs / sqfs in a single function or trigger (see I don't even know how functions work my knowledge is extremely limited).

Anyway if anyone reads all this thanks! Any help is greatly appreciate and I'd be happy to share my findings.

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