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Hello, I am using the farooq revive along with the player-Marker.sqf,

I would like to know if there is a way to not show markers, of those in need of revive, the enemy faction.

Thank you very much.


sorry fo my english "google traslate" ;)

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I'm using the script in a tvt environment on a dedicated server, but since the last BI update the revive script doesn't work anymore. Does anyone have the same problems as me?

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I'm using the script in a tvt environment on a dedicated server, but since the last BI update the revive script doesn't work anymore. Does anyone have the same problems as me?

It seems that this script isn't being updated, but you could see about the following as a replacement:


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It seems that this script isn't being updated, but you could see about the following as a replacement:


For the life of me btc quick revive wont work.Its not 100% revive garauntee for me.Mod conflict maybe but iv taken out everything that isnt a weapon mod and still no joy.

Does farooqs still work in SP anyone know?

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For the life of me btc quick revive wont work.Its not 100% revive garauntee for me.Mod conflict maybe but iv taken out everything that isnt a weapon mod and still no joy.

Does farooqs still work in SP anyone know?

Then report the issues on his thread, as he is actually responding back to people, unlike this thread...

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Does farooqs still work in SP anyone know?

Did Farooq's Revive ever worked in SP?

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Did Farooq's Revive ever worked in SP?

It did indeed,

but AI could nt heal player.You could heal AI.You could work around it by team switching and reviving your own character with an AI comrade.

---------- Post added at 14:27 ---------- Previous post was at 14:25 ----------

Then report the issues on his thread, as he is actually responding back to people, unlike this thread...

Actually,i was help testing the btc quick revive prior to release.I have been in touch with the author since.And cannot narrow down the issue.As said,its on my part the fault(mod conflict somewhere) But im just asking if farooqs still works

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So is this script broken still? It certainly reads that way. Will have to try another.

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So is this script broken still? It certainly reads that way. Will have to try another.

Im using script rite now in SP.Can confirm it works,even with mods that alter animations.

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I love your script, but when you die in a helicopter or jet you can not revive, you have to ctrl, alt, delete. You can get someone to teleport you to a different location then revive there.

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I love your script, but when you die in a helicopter or jet you can not revive, you have to ctrl, alt, delete. You can get someone to teleport you to a different location then revive there.

Fix posted on page 15 :

Open FAR_revive_funcs.sqf and replace
while {vehicle _unit != _unit} do 


if (vehicle _unit != _unit) then 

Hope this helps.

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i made little changes to farooq to solve some problems like:

- when you die in a vehicle you remain inside it and cannot be revived (you can not revive, you have to ctrl, alt, delete.)

- when you die while flying you don't fall to ground but remain in the air and cannot be revived

- when you die in water you cannot be revived

with my changes now:

- you are always ejected from vehicles

- if you were flying, now you fall until you reach the ground or something that stop you (a building for example)

- if you fall in water you are teleported on the nearest beach.

- if you die on a platform or a carrier like Nimitz, you remain on it and you are not teleported.

How can i share them with you?

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i made little changes to farooq to solve some problems like:

- when you die in a vehicle you remain inside it and cannot be revived (you can not revive, you have to ctrl, alt, delete.)

- when you die while flying you don't fall to ground but remain in the air and cannot be revived

- when you die in water you cannot be revived

with my changes now:

- you are always ejected from vehicles

- if you were flying, now you fall until you reach the ground or something that stop you (a building for example)

- if you fall in water you are teleported on the nearest beach.

- if you die on a platform or a carrier like Nimitz, you remain on it and you are not teleported.

How can i share them with you?

may be post your version if you have permission from author, or just post your fixes.

---------- Post added at 18:31 ---------- Previous post was at 18:31 ----------

Im using script rite now in SP.Can confirm it works,even with mods that alter animations.

how about MP. I can honestly say I have never player SP and I have over 2k hours in this game. LOL, MP and COOP baby.

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farroq version 1.5

Original code at row 57

if (isPlayer _unit) then
	disableUserInput true;
	titleText ["", "BLACK FADED"];

// Eject unit if inside vehicle
while {vehicle _unit != _unit} do 
	unAssignVehicle _unit;
	_unit action ["eject", vehicle _unit];

	sleep 2;

_unit setDamage 0;
   _unit setVelocity [0,0,0];
   _unit allowDamage false;
_unit setCaptive true;
   _unit playMove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltoback";

Modified code

	if (isPlayer _unit) then
	disableUserInput true;
	titleText ["", "BLACK FADED"];

// Eject unit if inside vehicle
while {vehicle _unit != _unit} do 
	_unit action ["eject", vehicle _unit];
	unAssignVehicle _unit;
	_unit action ["GetOut", vehicle _unit];

	sleep 2;

// --------------------------- START BLOCK ------------------------------
// Wait until unit stops falling (if the player dies while flying or goes under water)
_pre = [0, 0, 10000];
_pos = getPosASL _unit;	
while {!isTouchingGround _unit && _pos select 2 >= 0 && _pre select 2 > _pos select 2} do {
	_pre = _pos;
	sleep 1;
	_pos = getPosASL _unit;
// ----------------------- END BLOCK --------------------------------

// --------------------------- START BLOCK ------------------------------
// Check if the player is under water
if (surfaceIsWater _pos && _pos select 2 < 0) then {
	private ["_p","_d","_l"];
	_d = 0; _l = true;

	// Search for a land position starting from the randomly picked position and
	// then going outwards from it in full circles in 20m steps.
	while {_d = _d + 20; _l && _d < 10000} do {
	  for "_i" from 0 to 340 step 20 do {
		_p = [(_pos select 0) + (_d * sin _i), (_pos select 1) + (_d * cos _i), 0];
		if (!surfaceIsWater _p) exitwith {_l = false};
	_pos = _p;

	_p = [];
	if (count _pos > 0) then {_p = _pos findEmptyPosition [0,100];};
	// If an empty position is found, use it. Otherwise, return the original position. 
	if (count _p > 0) then { 
	  _pos = _p; 

	_unit setPosATL _pos;	// findEmptyPosition set _pos in the right z position ATL

	sleep 2;
// ----------------------- END BLOCK --------------------------------

_unit setDamage 0;
   _unit setVelocity [0,0,0];
   _unit allowDamage false;
_unit setCaptive true;
   _unit playMove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltoback";

Edited by L0rn1x

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may be post your version if you have permission from author, or just post your fixes.

---------- Post added at 18:31 ---------- Previous post was at 18:31 ----------

how about MP. I can honestly say I have never player SP and I have over 2k hours in this game. LOL, MP and COOP baby.

Hahaha i never touch MP.I just enjoy editing missions and playing with AI)Thanks modding community) ;) iv heard it dosent work for some in MP and for some yes...so i would guess yes,depending

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I'm using this script quite alot and like you guys said earlier, it is the most stable and easiest to use revive script.

I have a few wishes though. I only play SP and I use this script to revive fallen AI group members. What I'd like though is for them to not be responsive when they are unconscious. As it is now they still respond to commands in a healthy voice and I have no idea that they have fallen. And also perhaps be wounded and not fully healed when revived. Anyone of you fabolous scripters have any advice on how I'd go about doing that?

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And also perhaps be wounded and not fully healed when revived.

This one is pretty simple, in FAR_revive_funcs.sqf, go to the line 101 which should be _unit setDamage 0; and use another value instead of 0, in my experience 0.6 works pretty well ;)

That also means revived units won't be able to move quickly, they will need to be healed on top of being revived. That's a mechanic I like, just be aware of that.

If you add _unit setBehaviour "STEALTH"; that will make your soldiers whisper when they're wounded. You will have to revert them manually to their previous behaviour though, but that could give you the different voice you want

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If you add _unit setBehaviour "STEALTH"; that will make your soldiers whisper when they're wounded. You will have to revert them manually to their previous behaviour though, but that could give you the different voice you want

Acording to BIKI:

Although setBehaviour can be called on an individual unit, the entire group will be affected.

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This is busted for MP use.

Most recent revive scripts don't seem to be in development anymore =/ I wrote SRS which is MP only for this reason, and it's heavily inspired by Farooq's work!

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ok am having trouble getting this to work at all. I have done this - Copy FAR_Revive folder into your mission folder. Add this to the top of your init.sqf: call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "FAR_revive\FAR_revive_init.sqf"; - What else do I need to do? I go into the editor shoot a Unit and go up to him and see if I can revive him but no options show. What am I missing?

Never mind it now works

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Firstly I have to say this revive is still working flawlessly for me in all my MP missions, I am not sure why people are having problems with it.

Anyway the purpose for my message, I would love to add the ability for the script to globally call when he goes down, something like "Player X is Unconscious" Us players that play together all the time will just yell it on TS but I would love to see when new players on the server go down so we can revive them and hopefully show them more of the team player aspect of the game. So if anyone can have a peek at the "FAR_deathMessage" area and guide me in adding this ability in.

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I would love to add the ability for the script to globally call when he goes down, something like "Player X is Unconscious" Us players that play together all the time will just yell it on TS but I would love to see when new players on the server go down so we can revive them and hopefully show them more of the team player aspect of the game. So if anyone can have a peek at the "FAR_deathMessage" area and guide me in adding this ability in.

Also using it here in MP without any problems. In answer to your query a quick method might be to just add the following into FAR_revive_funcs.sqf under the FAR_Player_Unconscious function.

There is a check if the downed unit is a player (around line 60) in this check you could also put the message that the player is down - The BIS_fnc_MP will send the hint to all MP clients.

[format["%1 is unconcious!",name _unit],"hintSilent"] call BIS_fnc_MP;

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Would love to see the ability for the AI to revive the player, using either this or the new BIS Revive.

Can anyone point me at anything that does this?

(once upon a time I'd use BTC Revive, but that doesn't seem to work anymore).


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can anyone confirm this still works on DS in missions. Last i had tried it was broken from BIS updates. not sure if it ever got back in working order again.

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